New items (Fake) :(

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  • #18
@ Pyro Muffin: And do you know what your doing, SPAMMING JACKASS!!!! and i know where you live.

@ I_WANT_WII: Yeah That sucks
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I think you guys are Username title is *Killer Muffin* and the person your arguing with is named Pyro-Muffin...Eithaer that or your friends in real life.
all your gems will definlty will not come out because they are redondant to nintendos own POKEMON cloaking deivece is the same as the suit and there is a super scope dont need homing missles they wont be fair finally you already have bombs dont need and more there im done now
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  • #23
@ in touch with the wii: Look some things will replace other thats what i was getting that and i also know that they have a slim chance of getting in.

@ hockeydude68: Thanks, glad you like them.

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