*NEW* General Pokemon Chat

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  • #196
go ahead now. spam the hell out of this thread. its in board games now
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  • #198
Lonelyness21 said:
You moved this to board games?

board games section does not allow post counts to increase
sorry if im intruding... but, how long, if ever will it take for pokemon d/p to get old, beceause im thinking of getting it, but not right away, and i wanna play online.
Lonelyness21 said:
You moved this to board games?

This also allows you to talk about anything you want including pokemon..

In my opinion its an improvement.
pplprsn said:
sorry if im intruding... but, how long, if ever will it take for pokemon d/p to get old, beceause im thinking of getting it, but not right away, and i wanna play online.
probably 1-2 years, wait, the emerald version and stuff is still popular, so i would say until next pokemon game
Syntax said:
This also allows you to talk about anything you want including pokemon..

In my opinion its an improvement.
I agree....but the only bad thing is that it doesnt add points to the post count thing....
Lonelyness21 said:
Even after what he just said, u guys r still spamming, plz talk about pokemon so we can keep this thread alive.....there is no point of fighting, cz it will just lead to the deletion of this thread, and as much as it changed, We still dont want that to happen, so plz just stay in topic....
Did anyone actually Read this?

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