*NEW* General Pokemon Chat

wario2ooo said:
no.....and they wont allow spamming here now
yeah....i wish they allowed it. thats why me and lonely wanted it not to be a sticky, so it can just be a thread for the group that wanted to make it.
now it is so popular.

@ wario where did you come from!!?!?!?!?!
Slimi said:
yeah....i wish they allowed it. thats why me and lonely wanted it not to be a sticky, so it can just be a thread for the group that wanted to make it.
now it is so popular.

@ wario where did you come from!!?!?!?!?!
I think were still spaming....in wich case....can someone tell me.....something about pokemon?
yes plz. can ppl tell me the rules of this thread?!!?!?!?!? the original thread for this was actually meant for spam(not really)!! we made it so we could just talk. and before we mostly talked about pokemon.......told you popert to make it general chat instead of pokemon, i remember we were arguing the name. ayo suggested general chat. gar

well this isn't really a spam because right now i am asking if anyone has dittos i need dittos badly!!!
The_Loose_Cannon said:
Moderators notes- ok guys, because the last pokemon chat has spammed itself to death, im starting a new one. the last one got out of control with "OMGGG" "lol.....", "eh......" and "...............'s"

if i see any of those type of posts i will ban all of you and have this forum taken away. dont underestimate me folks im dead serious.

thats your final warning.

Here you can talk about pokemon, and your profiles!

1.No Cursing
2.No Racial Terms
3.No Flaming
4.Don't go too off topic try to stay a little bit on pokemon
5.Enjoy it!
here are the rules.....lazy

@lonely- i traded u a darkrai...remember
wario2ooo said:
here are the rules.....lazy

@lonely- i trade a darkrai...remember
still, before we were able to spam in the old thread and just talk freely, in here now it's more strict.....

lonelyness what u want for ditto?
still, before we were able to spam in the old thread and just talk freely, in here now it's more strict.....

lonelyness what u want for ditto?

The reason it has become more strict is because spamming isn't allowed. If you want to talk to each other you can do so by sending private messages or by contacting one another via msn or aim.
wario2ooo said:
here are the rules.....lazy

@lonely- i traded u a darkrai...remember

Yes, I do, But i currently have 2 MOVIE Darkrais, one wich has been EV Trained and the other Left untouched....
isi4201 said:
but what if you want to talk to 5 people send pm to allof them and get 80 sent back im makinga thread as soon as i find out how
wait don't, i'm going to make it, as soon as i ask something
Thread for general discussion about anything:


but what if you want to talk to 5 people send pm to allof them and get 80 sent back im makinga thread as soon as i find out how

You could always talk to each other on msn. From what I understand you can talk to five or more people at the same time by inviting friends to your conversation. Thus problem solved.
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