My email to Nintendo about the Wii gun situation.


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2008
Hi Nintendo.

My names Ash and I have a Nintendo Wii along with previous older Nintendo systems. This section is for feedback of our Nintendo Wii experience and comments so I will type some here, I know it's a bit long but PLEASE I BEG OF YOU to read it and take notice or forward it to the suggestions department if any. Wii really love the Wii (get it?;) and want to explain how a Nintendo Wii console update via internet as usual, can make ALL Wii customers extremely happy. I'm 26 years old and have been playing games for a long time.

I as MANY other Wii owners love our shooter games, and we bought Resident Evil 4. But playing with a nunchuck in one hand and a remote control in the other, it doesn't feel anywhere near like a real gun but rather awkward instead especially how there is no Control Setup options to actually change our setups/buttons around. In fact most if not all shooter games are lacking Control Setup options to actually change our setups/buttons around, which makes it very fustrating at times as not everyones the same.
To top it all off I purchased 2 Joytech Sharp Shooter Shotguns for the Wii ( along with my Resident Evil 4 and thought this would make things more realistic.

But after realising that in the Control Setup options of shooter games there was no choice to change our setups/buttons around, it instantly makes every Wii gun product out there disappointingly unrealistic due to the crucial fact that the gun's trigger (buttons C and Z on the nunchuck) is NOT to shoot but to do other things such as run in Resident Evil 4. To shoot we have to press A or B (depending which game) on the Wii remote which is placed in the front section/barrel of the guns, which doesn't make sense at all. Every single gun in this planet as in 100% of all guns that exist have the trigger as the shoot/fire mechanism. The feel of the guns is excellent when in the hand but sad and fustrating when actually trying to play, which is a massive shame as they were SO CLOSE to having something beautiful for the Wii. It would of been like Virtua Cop arcade machine in our houses. The "main" problem is the trigger button on the Wii guns is NOT to shoot/fire but it isn't the only problem, the other being that other buttons become an awkward setup when using the Wii guns, and to expect Wii game companies (especially shooter games) to include Control Setup options in future games isn't exactly a fix to the problem of already released excellent games such as Resident Evil 4 and already purchased Wii guns.

We understand that this is not Nintendo's responsibility to make sure games released have Control Setup options to change our setups/buttons around, and also understand that Nintendo does not sell Official Nintendo Wii Guns (as far as I know). But we believe there is something Nintendo can do very easily which like I mentioned before will make Wii customers such as us extremely more happy ESPECIALLY all the Wii Shooter game fanatics.

By Nintendo releasing an Official Nintendo Wii Console Update Firmware via internet ofcourse to include a new "Control Setup" options/settings into the Wii "Console Settings" section, which would have the ability of us changing our buttons around, all problems would be solved for Shooter games already released and future Shooter games and would prove Nintendo Wii's potential to be huge. Also all the Wii guns wouldn't just be sitting collecting dust in our closets but rather being used like a gun is supposed to. Right now I and all friends who have purchased Wii guns don't even use them for shooter games they would be excellent with, as it's just to unrealistic and awkward. Or maybe a new Control Setup Channel if it would be easier. Either by letting us choose to use for example the A button as the Z button and so on, or by Nintendo having a HEAP of different configurations of the nunchuck and Wii remote for us to choose from (classic ontrollers wouldn't be necessary). Then a SAVE option to always keep the new settings like that even after the Wii has been shutdown/reset or to NOT SAVE which will revert all the changed settings back to default after Wii shutdown/reset.

Then FINALLY the trigger button when put into the Wii gun (nunchuck buttons C and Z) will actually do what it's meant to which is shoot and EVERYONE is just an EXTRA happy Wii customer. Imagine the possibilities of future Wii shooter games with Co-Op option for 2 players split/screen with Wii guns which shoot when we press the trigger. That's literally arcade machines Virtua Cop 2 style in our own homes thanks to the Wii.

I appreciate you taking the time to read our feedback/suggestions as Nintendo loyal fans/customers and would LOVE to hear what you guys think when you are ready.

Ash and friends.
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What do you guys think ?? Start a petition here ?? People power. They want Nintendo Wii user feedback, so I'm giving them Nintendo Wii users feedback. I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely LOVE my interactive shooter games.

Thanks all,
ninwiis said:
summarize it please. I don't think any one will read it. Just my opinion.

I just read it....

yes, the whole thing...

how about you get off your lazy butt and do the same? either that or gtfo this thread because this thread is about talking about that email

As for my opinion, i think that hopefully they'll let us change the controls in future shooting games on Wii. however, it's doubtful that they'll change it my opinion at least.
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Nintendo did make a gun though, its called the Wii Zapper. I really don't know how else to play with a gun controller than with arcade games like house of the dead, or Ghost Squad. MOH2 does ok with the wii zapper though, just feels more confortable to play with 2 controllers instead of a gun.
Sounds good to me.

I like how in RE:UC there's a zapper A setup, but then there's no B? Why label it A in the first place? lol

Anyway, this is how I hold the controller when playing UC. It's not the best solution, but it works and you get used to it after a while:

Hand Position
first i would like to say its nice that you are at least trying to do something about what you don't like instead of just sit and take it like the rest of the people on here. But the zapper is made like that for a reason.

They already got critizied hard for making the zapper in the first place, by moms and activists. So thats why its made to not look like a gun and not function like a real gun. Thus why its called zapper and not wii gun.

I understand your point and feel the same way about some of the games and not being able to change the buttons around. But i understand nintendos reasoning for this too. They are not trying to get sued by every soccer mom, and stupid anti game lawyer, or politician, for making something that is similar to a real gun. If they did make one you know the next thing thats going to happen some one is going to shoot some one and say oh the wii zapper made me do it.
Its this kind of stupidity that makes us responsible gamers suffer from censorship, and unrealistic designs.(some what, its deeper than that)
the$#!Za. said:
We understand that this is not Nintendo's responsibility to make sure games released have Control Setup options to change our setups/buttons around, and also understand that Nintendo does not sell Official Nintendo Wii Guns (as far as I know). But we believe there is something Nintendo can do very easily which like I mentioned before will make Wii customers such as us extremely more happy ESPECIALLY all the Wii Shooter game fanatics.

By Nintendo releasing an Official Nintendo Wii Console Update Firmware via internet ofcourse to include a new "Control Setup" options/settings into the Wii "Console Settings" section, which would have the ability of us changing our buttons around, all problems would be solved for Shooter games already released and future Shooter games and would prove Nintendo Wii's potential to be huge.

I'm not a Wii programmer but I am a grad student focusing on operating systems. I can tell you that the difficulty of what you are asking could be very high depending on how the Wii currently handles input. Back on the game consoles old enough for me to understand how they work (about as far back as the first Playstation), events like controller input are routed directly to the game software without an intervening OS touching it at all sort of like how DOS used to handle things. If that hasn't changed, then there's just no good way for Nintendo to insert software code between the hardware event/interrupt and the game software that's in charge of handling it.

If the Wii acts like more of an OS in the desktop PC sense, then the Wii OS handles input and passes it on to the game program. The biggest advantage of doing things this way is that it works better in a multi-process environment. Given how the Wii doesn't spend much to any time running multiple programs at one time, I doubt they've invested in the overhead to implement such a system. Even if they did, it would roughly double the response time to add a translation layer that's transparent to the game program layer.

Either way, it's a LOT better idea for the game developers to handle the input mapping then it is getting Nintendo to handle it.
Nintendo wont read it. the second you said "I know it's a bit long but PLEASE I BEG OF YOU to read it", they will toss it in the garbage and dig up "consumer reply #23" and insert your name from the email. Take that sentence out and summarize it. hell point form it if you have to. Honestly, i think it was very interesting and had some good points. you'd score high if this were an english essay. but nintendo does not have time to read essays. so get to the point, quick, and they might take notice of it.
neveragain said:
Can't you be happy that we have shooters at all.

He might be happy, but he's not content. Wii has a lot of problems. Props to the OP for the e-mail.

You know, I tried doing this petition thing in wiichat as well. However, several people just simply say, "get over it", "nintendo won't listen", and "this is useless". It doesn't hurt to try does it? The thread asks for your approval, not for your prediction that it won't be accepted anyways.

Well to the OP, you got my vote!

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