Need Help Finding Wii Controllers

ebay is your friend! :) i got my VC and nunchuck from them at retail price (not including shipping and handling) the other remote, i found at my local toys r us
I bought my first extra Wiimote when I bought the system. I bought three nunchucks at Gamestop. I bought two more Wiimotes at Toys R Us last week to complete my 4 sets of controllers and nunchucks. Keep calling vendors. I'd lean towards Toys R Us.

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Thanks for all the help so far, guys! Ya, I noticed the wii play bundle. I am considering that if I can't find a controller by the end of the month.
i know it sounds funny, but have you looked in toysrus (instore, not online)?

i kept hearing to check there, but it seemd like if all the other stores
were OOS, then trus would be too.

alas, i checked at trus this past weekend, and there were at least 15 - 20
in stock, sitting on the shelf waiting on me.

they say its because fewer people are shopping at trus anymore, there fore
trus is being overlooked!

its worth a shot.....