This is my first post, where can I find extra controllers and nunchuks?


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006

I preordered the Wii from EB games for my two boys 7 and 9 for Christmas. I have that in my hands.

I also preordered three controllers and nunchuks from in October. They are out of stock and I'm worried I won't be able to get them before Christmas.

I did find one extra controller only at EB games last weekend. I would like to find at least 1 more nunchuk but preferably 2controllers and 3 nunchuks so they can play with their friends or my husband and I.

It's hard for me to go around to local stores because I have the boys with me and they have NO IDEA they're getting this. My husband and I are so excited. I am just bummed now that I preordered everything in Oct. and I'm running around and calling and searching on the internet now for extra accessories.

Any help on how to find those things reasonably? I will wait until after Christmas if I have to, but I'm looking for a retailer, not Ebay.

Thanks for any help


P.S. I live in KY and will keep calling my local stores but I was just wondering if anyone knows about online stores. I've stumbled across a few that I didn't even think of, like Dell, but they were out of stock. Thanks again.
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Hey Jen, welcome. Unfortunately no one knows about stores in your area, not to mention you didn't even post where you live... so even if someone did know something, they wouldn't be able to help you. Your best bet is doing what your doing now, just keep calling and showing up at places as frequently as possible. Good luck.
the nunchucks are very rare, i see the wii-motes every once in awhile at stores, best bet is just calling and waiting for them to come in stock

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