Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii

nazi zombies coming soon?

i heard somnewhere trhat nazi zombie be here feb 21 2010 THAT WEEK FROM NOW.. i hope it right me Level 51 prestige 4 so mail me if u want to invite ,me to clan:yesnod:
>_> I don't believe it. How did you find out, and who told you? Until you provide that information, I'm not buying it. And chances are that we won't get map pack updates, or that it will be WORSE than the nazi zombies for the iPhone.
Dear God people let this thread just die.

And to Ace, I know you don't post anymore but you're a f*cking idiot.

i dont 100 % believ it either but i looked up on gpoogle is there going to be nazi zombies for wii and it said on one of the forums sunday but i dont no
Is it going to be released in campian or multiplayer? If its going to be in campian they'll have to realese a whole new game. If its in multiplayer they would have to get rid of HC FFA and TMS
I'm proud to announce that CoD: WaW for the Wii is getting Nazi Zombie Mode later this year. So, Wii owners, don't throw down your Wiimotes just yet. The reason why we didn't get it at first was, because of the Wii being a "Family System". WHAT!!!! I guess they didn't really see the rated M for mature. Not E. Damn Nintendo, Treyarch, and Infiniteward......You to Activision. If they don't do this, we need to start a pettition for Zombie Mode, Offline Multiplayer, Capture the Flag, the new map pack's, and the extra black cats level for campaigne thats on the other systems.
CoD: WaW friend code: 296535023833
level 35 prestige 1. name- Ichycat[104]. Clan-[104].

SWEET!!! THATS GONNA BE AMAZING!!!! hey, heres my friend code for WaW: 090444881943
lv 45, First Prestige
Alexi Sarov
^ That kid is so stupid for believing it at first and why would he post on a thread that's like two years old?
^ That kid is so stupid for believing it at first and why would he post on a thread that's like two years old?

one, i just ****ing joined and i didnt see the date. and two, why dont you go back to sucking that dick you were on before you got on before you start **** with me
I seriously hope so on yours and nintendos behalf i think they have finally relised how this "family console" is such a hard theme to stay with conserdering either teenagers or young adults play consoles ive heard that nintendo actually view these things
1up for nintendo i think they should let you give typed feedback on there website
I heard that to get Nazi Zombies on wii they might have to take the "new" playlists off i think they should conduct a server via internet and let you vote for or against Nazi Zombies they should post the web address on the "Message of the day" please if you agree NINTENDO or any1 else let it be known not rumoured
and with evidedence sorry ichycat
i heard they done a campaign about nazi zombies and it was denied 3 to 4 as THE WII SUCKS the reason behind this is becuase WII CANT AFFORD GRAPHICS although monster hunter tri is awesome this could be due to the fact monster hunter HAS GRAPHICS... im sorry nintendo if you feel like your being attacked but IT HAS TO BE DONE to get it through your head "THE VAST MAJORITY OF US WANT NAZI ZOMBIES AND THE MAP PACKS
(additional content) perhaps through wii shop im fed up with nintendo as they can be so much more but choose to ignore the cries of help from theyre customers therfore they are rated down from playstation(SONY) and XBOX(microsoft) come on nintendo wake up and make nintendo awesome...