Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii

hey, making effort to dlc for cod:waw?
My petition really works!!
See this link:

as you can see finnally we will got a little dlc for the wii version, i hope this is the start from treyarch and the zombie mode and the map packs 1&2 coming to wii.

lawl fail.

Originally Posted by stickmode
hey, making effort to dlc for cod:waw?
My petition really works!!
See this link:

as you can see finnally we will got a little dlc for the wii version, i hope this is the start from treyarch and the zombie mode and the map packs 1&2 coming to wii.

LOL dude...Are you on wiid?

what he said

I think if no one will push Activision and Treyarch to make DLC for Wii, instead only complain for this. This won't happen!!

But, as a Wii owner and hardcore gamer I will contribute and I do all the necesary to make this happen!!

For the Wii owners that really want COD:WW DLC and all the modes send a email to:

And ask for the Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii...

Do it!!

Together, we make it possible!!

yes we can do this, my friend code is 4511 8715 1048 on cod5 wii, add me my name is Wesley

whats yours?
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hey i have cod 5 for the wii, but right now im on vacation, i will be getting home in 6 days, i will post my cod 5 friend id as soon as possible
OMFG! for wii!!! who cares? buy a ****ing 360. ive gotten tired of nazi zombies on 360 and ps3. why would you want nazi zombies compared to modern warfare 2? it looks amazing!!!
Hey, making effort to DLC for COD:WAW?
My petition really works!!
See this link:

As you can see finnally we will got a little DLC for the Wii version, I hope this is the start from Treyarch and the zombie mode and the Map packs 1&2 coming to Wii.

Dude that was posted in july. they werent talking anything about the wii version just the dpuble xp. map pack 3 is already available for other major consoles. so why would they be discussing map packs 1 and 2. if they ever get DLC for wii ill prolly ****.
lol half the thread was a arguing, and grammar nazi's and what not. Ne waaays.Trey arch said it is possible to put it to the wii. it'll just be a watered down version and they would have to take out one of the other options like hardcore dm or something so they could fit it in... And by watered down I hope they mean the graphics and not map updates.
lol half the thread was a arguing, and grammar nazi's and what not. Ne waaays.Trey arch said it is possible to put it to the wii. it'll just be a watered down version and they would have to take out one of the other options like hardcore dm or something so they could fit it in... And by watered down I hope they mean the graphics and not map updates.

good. but do you know when it's coming?

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