Mysterious Maintenance Mode

Bliss said:
Ok so i was surfin the web and came across this Mysterious Maintenance Mode...dont know anything about it nor have i tried it since im at work..i was wondering if anyone knew anything about it?

this is wat i have found and how to get in Maintenance Mode

1. Turn on your Wii.
2. At the screen where it says press A
3. Hold down the + and - buttons during the Health and Safety screen
4. While holding down those buttons, hit A

Heres a Vid that i found on it LINK

You will find that almost all electronics such as this have at least some kind of hidden menu. This is so when they get sent in for repairs, manufacturers can test if they are really broken without having to spend hours fiddling with them.

iPods have the diagnostics screen (hold center and menu till reset, then hold center and left until it beeps), All mobile phones have them (sony ericson is >*<<*<*) and even coke machines have them.
So when you enter the matinence mode on a machine that is broken it will let you know right away?
I havent tried this but possible if the wii is in maintenace mod it allows for special tools to be hooked up via the usb ports on the wii? also maybe a transfer tool to put all your stuff on a new wii?
I'm guessing that to use maintenance mode properly you will almost certainly need some kind of electronic verification tool, such as a Nintendo usb device to ensure hackers do not use it. Obviously there will be a workaround found soon.
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yea it got to be some special usb...or tool like Frummage says cuz i played around with it all weekend...hooking up everything i got to it and just pokin around but i couldnt find anything or get into anything...well just have to wait and see wat other people can come up with.
Bliss said:
yea it got to be some special usb...or tool like Frummage says cuz i played around with it all weekend...hooking up everything i got to it and just pokin around but i couldnt find anything or get into anything...well just have to wait and see wat other people can come up with.

taking one for the team by sacrificing your weekend. Nice one, shame it wasn't fruitfull.
lol y'all are acting like prehistoric guys with fire... "whats it do..." "maybe I should do this with it" "no that will upset it" "maybe if I touch it" "YEOWCH!"
Translated: "OMFG my Wii broke!" "I upset it!" Sorry, I was just flipping through a book about the mind. Anyways I think its nothing. If it DISABLES things then whats the point...
Maybe it's a diversion put in to distract potential hackers from the real vulnerabilities :lol:
My guess is that they use a computer and that computer has some special program or something. Well if there is someone out there that is really good at hacking they could make a program because your computer knows its connected to something when it is connected to the Wii am I not right. So they could make a program that when you are connected to the Wii it messes it up in any way you want with the program.

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