Mysterious Maintenance Mode

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ok i just saw a vid that the messages are STILL able to be sent in Maintenance Mode......HERE is how
It was only a picture that was able to be posted on the Wii Message Board off of the SD card in the Photo Channel...but it said that once you enter a channel the Wii returns to normal mode, so maybe it was in normal mode when he did that.
hmm.. i wonder what would happen if you connected the usb cable whilst in maintenance mode...
Probably nothing, but technicians need to access things somehow
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llol_slim said:
hmm.. i wonder what would happen if you connected the usb cable whilst in maintenance mode...
Probably nothing, but technicians need to access things somehow
i was thinkin the same thing....or maybe even ur SD card like to transfer friend VC games...gotta be something
llol_slim said:
hmm.. i wonder what would happen if you connected the usb cable whilst in maintenance mode...
Probably nothing, but technicians need to access things somehow

if this is for employees.
to fix wii consoles.
and they give you your games back...your game saves...and VC stuff. and everything.

USB hard drive? you thinkin what im thinkin? someone try it. and dont blame me if your wii explodes.
god damn it.. family watching tv so cant get to the wii. otherwise i would be on this right now:mad5:
maybe this is how u can transfer VC games 0_0

Edit: wow didnt realize how many people already said this b4 i posted, sorry.
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  • #24
iOwnage said:
maybe this is how u can transfer VC games 0_0
yea thats wat i said...prob through SD cards
Well I did the maintanance mode thing and looked around the settings a bit but didn't check out any channels. I turned it off and read some of the comments and realized that I may have messed up my wii but i just turned it on and everythings back to normal so its not a permanent thing or anything.
GoLeafsGo said:
Well I did the maintanance mode thing and looked around the settings a bit but didn't check out any channels. I turned it off and read some of the comments and realized that I may have messed up my wii but i just turned it on and everythings back to normal so its not a permanent thing or anything.
what about save games? This is what I would worry about, 9 hours into Resident Evil family scores on Wii Sports etc
if it was compatible wth usb hard drive dont you think nintendo would use it for home use?

as for its use, isnt it obvious, its called maintancence mode, so its used for nintendo to do maintanence.

people may be able to hack eventually, but i dubt nintendo will use it for us to use at home, and when they find out many people are going onto it, and people may try useing it to hack, there next update will be to lock it, with codes and software which they only have the info to unlock it with
daviduk200 said:
if it was compatible wth usb hard drive dont you think nintendo would use it for home use?

as for its use, isnt it obvious, its called maintancence mode, so its used for nintendo to do maintanence.

people may be able to hack eventually, but i dubt nintendo will use it for us to use at home, and when they find out many people are going onto it, and people may try useing it to hack, there next update will be to lock it, with codes and software which they only have the info to unlock it with
yup, you're probably right. However my simplistic theory is based on the fact the maintenance mode doesnt appear to DO anything, so Mr Technician must have to do something to access dianostic info etc, so why not a USB cable via PC?
I know its extremely simplistic, but hey, accessing a maintenance mode by pressing two exxtra buttons? ...

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