my wii remote is backwards???


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2007
guys, im asking here first before I have to go through the bother and hassle of sending my wii back, I'm most dis-pleased....

bought a wii for my girlfriend, its been sat wrapped for a month near enough, but anyway opened it today, started to set it up - turned it on ok, it says press 'A' on the remote, so I did... i hear a "ding", next, it says confirm language, i spent about 10 minutes faffing about wondering what was supposed to happen, only when i turned my back to the TV, facing completely opposite direction (and pointing the remote in the opposite direction too) did the pointer appear on screen - so I have been fiddling with this, got into wiimote settings, etc etc, fiddled with lots, nothing worked, i could only get a pointer to appear on screen by pointing the remote in the opposite direction! and even then it was fiddly and wobbly..

turned all the lights off incase it was that, turned the internet off incase any wireless interference was causing it, even tried it on a different TV in a different room, same exact thing - so tell me, is it broke? any ideas???

did you make sure the sensor bar was above/below the tv which the wii was connected to? are there mirrors around? sunlight? do you have another wiimote to try?

message me if you still cant figure it out. it kinda sounds liek your sensor bar is backwards or in the wrong place, or theres mirrors or sunligt screwing you up.
did you make sure the sensor bar was above/below the tv which the wii was connected to? are there mirrors around? sunlight? do you have another wiimote to try?

message me if you still cant figure it out. it kinda sounds liek your sensor bar is backwards or in the wrong place, or theres mirrors or sunligt screwing you up.
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hi, there is mirrors next to the TV, but at least a metre away to the right - i was trying this when it was still dark this morning so dont think sunlights an issue, any other ideas??
try faceing the mirror away from the tv, the opposite way its facing now. also are you sure your sensor bar is set up right? and what about calibrating the IR, like when you see the blinking dots on the screen. did you try redoing that/
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OK tried taking all the mirrors down, lights off, everything giving possible intererence off / moved, and couldnt even get the wii remote to do anything on the screen, although it still works to move the screen left and right with the + and - buttons, about all i could do, so its working, but just wont actually do anything useful...

Is there any way to reset the wii so i can go from the original set up? would it have saved any settings from when my room had all the mirrors etc? cant actually calibrate anything as i cant get the remote to work properly

I am quite annoyed with it but may try it agian in my other room (with no mirrors) again... only have the one remote, just the basic console pack :(
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ok - some pics..

first :

note, none of the cards were on top of the telly, or anything around where the wii was - tried taking the mirrors down, turned all the lights off, xmas tree wasnt on, blinds closed, and wireless internet turned off...

I had to turn round the opposite way and face this way :

to get anything to work!!
If you're standing too close or too far away from the sensor bar, it may not be able to pick up the signal. Also, make sure that the sensor bar is clearly visible from the Wiimote.

Check that the sensor bar is plugged in properly to the Wii - the sensor bar could be the problem, and when you turn around the Wiimote may be picking up something else to use as a sensor bar. All the sensor bar really is is two lights that the Wiimote can see, so you could accidently be substituting the sensor bar when you turn around.

If you have another Wiimote, or know someone that has one which you can borrow, try it out. If it is one that you know to be functional but still does not work with your Wii, you know that something is wrong with the sensor bar.

My suggestion - unplug and replug all the cords to your Wii, make sure that the sensor bar sitting on top of your TV is clearly visible (resting on top, but at the front). Stand about two and a half metres from your TV, with the Wiimote at the same level as your sensor bar. If it still doesn't work, you may have to call Nintendo to ask. You may need a replacement sensor bar, or perhaps the Wiimote is faulty.

Hope I've helped.
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Just to follow up on this guys - spoke to the people I bought it from, they fobbed me off with "speak to nintendo", so, I set it up in my room before I rang them and it worked fine...! So set it up in the lounge (the room in the pics) and it also worked fine! :wtf: :crazy: so I have no idea what was going on there - perhaps it felt unloved, but its fine now! Set it up EXACTLY the same as before too, how strange! Christmas tree and all christmas cards etc gone now, although the christmas tree was never switched on when I was trying it... oh well!

Thanks for all your help guys :cool:
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