wii remote problems


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
Anyone have any problems with the wii remote. I have one that just started to stop working. i was playing metroid today, and i had some ppl over so we wanted to play some bomberman 93 VC. well at the moment the remote stopped working. i have tried to change the batteries and re-sync the remote. The funny thing is that all the buttons on the remote work fine, i can turn the system on and off, i can use the - + to change screens. But i cannot see the finger on the TV. The other remote is working great. I have tested some games and wii spots works as long as you dont point at the screen. When i hook up a nunchuck or classic controller the whole remote stops working and shuts down. This is really pissing me off ..i really dont want to buy another remote if i dont have to. I have had the system since day 1 on the release, but i figure the remotes should work longer then that.

Any help would be super.

Oh PS the speaker is making a crackling noise from it.
did you spill anything on it?
Maybe the sensor bar is the problem, since the buttons work?
I don't know what to tell you other than that. I don't know why it would shut down when you hook up a peripheral to the controller, unless it's just a defective wiimote...

Edit: Check this sticky thread:http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-hardware/25309-complete-guide-wiimote-problems.html

Maybe something there will help you?

Also, here's another sticky with Nintendo Customer Service links: http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-hardware/6995-all-problems-go-nintendos-customer-service.html
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No nothing spilled in it.

Just started out of the blue. Metroid worked fine then boom nothing. really sucks. i think its the orignal one i got with the system since release.


Down 50 bucks for a remote
wiibyte said:
No nothing spilled in it.

Just started out of the blue. Metroid worked fine then boom nothing. really sucks. i think its the orignal one i got with the system since release.


Down 50 bucks for a remote

Call Nintendo and ask them about, they may replace it for free. They did that for me when one of mine had a problem with the motion sensing capabilities.
Having a similar problem

Hi there

Im having a very similar problem.

Only had my Wii for a few weeks. I have been playing a bit of WiiSports no problem and thought i would have a bash at a V/Consol game i downloaded. plug in my Classic Controller only to have all wiimote functionality removed and the "home" button screen appear.

Tried it with the nunchuck in on Zelda:TP and the same happened. have to remove the controller to be able to use wiimote again and can't use the controller when plugged back in again

any ideas

Its overused. this happend to me. Trust me, its just because you have used to long. just buy a new one.

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