My perfect set up for brawl.

WuddlePook said:
1. Buy a Wii (Preferably when there's a sale)
2. Wait 3 months until SSBB goes on sale
3. Buy it then
4. lolz at all the people who bought it a higher price

lol you're that cheap?

i would rather pay 10 dollars and get brawl 3 months sooner....

i will probably go to someone else's house(who has a wii) with redbulls, ice cream, it for a while...than come back to my house and unlock ****
buy it
play it
eat some dillpicklechipz
play it for the net 10 hours straight
Mingus said:
1) Enjoy a morning brunch.
2) Impress women with some Kong-Fu and get their #.
3) Burn the soundtrack of Brawl on a disk for the ride to the store.
4) Pick up ultimate brawling buddy (it's a dragon but with human hands).
5) Pick up a lot of junk food red bulls, monsters, and dragon feed.
6) Set everything up in my home theatre for the night so I never have to get up, including diapers.
7) Call the two chicks and invite them over leading them to believe we will do something really neat but instead use them to have 4 players for brawl.
8) Kick out the women and play co-op with my dragon friend.
9) attempt to figure out how to unlock Marth.
Lame use of women :p

Lol here is my steps...

1) Wake up at exactly 7:00 a.m on Sunday the 10th
2) Go to church...nope not even missing it for Brawl :)
3) From Church go to the store amd pick the game up
4) Head home and get some practice in the game before a party
5) Go to the party (Guest of honor for getting the game) and play Brawl all night long....Oh yea
Ok ok ok ok ok....ok..........ok...............................ok......k.

Here Is My perfect set up when im about to get brawl.

1........Find a Cure for Cancer
2......Run around a track field on my hands
3........Fly! =o
4.....Sit on a Jury!
5......Suran-wrap a police car in 100 + degree weather
6.....Visit the Holy Land! o=..
7.....Achieve Enlightenment!
8......Make love in all 50 states
9....Find Osama Bin Laden
and 10.....Find out if flamethrowers are allowed in Heaven...:D

Miiiiiight be a tough day.....but.....ive been through worse =)
get the game at 10 or so, play for an hour or two.
go see the other side of my family.
take a bus back to school.

1. Order 7 hookers
2. Call up some friends
3. Go to ihop and order a shortstack
4. Put some syrup on that ****
5. Go back home
6. Play SSBB
^COME ON MAN LETS BE RELALISTIC WITH THAT don't put syrup on pancakes before you add the cinanamin coating! lols
killik119 said:
^^^ haha, lol.
is anyone not gonna play it at 480p?? (assuming that they have a high def screen)
i will be. i was playing gamecube at 480p. hahaha

1. get slightly more paranoid every next day till the game actually does come out.
2. go pick it up already paid for.
3. turn the music off before it even begins to annoy me and start trying to unlock as many people as possible.
4. since its a sunday release probably be counting minutes at work for 6 hours until i get home to finish step 3.
5. try to get a lil better with the people that interest me before whipping random interweb people.