Using IRC to organize Smash Brawl online play


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2008
What's IRC?
-IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It's a huge online network where people can chat and share files.

-The IRC channel has the intention of finding and playing people in Super smash bros. Brawl when it comes out for the wii.

It also serves as a place to :

-chat about brawl
-upcoming tournments for brawl
-a place to exchange wii codes
-share files
-or chat just about anything.

We hope to have online tournaments for Brawl and smash64. There will be a tournament and ranking script which will set up matches and record ranks.

Overall, this is a place where skilled players quickly find matches with players of the same level or players new to the game can ask questions and also play people of their level.

1. #smashonline
(general chat, fileservers, and a place to find brawl matches with high or low level opponents)

How to connect to IRC

1. Download mIRC Invision (a much nicer theme and user-friendly interface than regular mIRC) Download Link:

2. After installing mIRC, run the .exe, press continue on the register pop-up box (you never have to register, don't worry) and then enter user information.

3. In the status box, enter "/server" and then press enter. Once connected to server, type "/join #smashonline" and press enter to connect to the channel.

4. If you still can't connect after reading these step, feel free to hit me up on aim at Chronofire

How to connect with Chatzilla?

1. Download the chatzilla addon here

2. Enter the adress irc:// hit enter and its as simple as that you are connected

-Also, please try to stay in the channel as there will be more people joining on a regular basis to build up a new smash community.

Brawl comes out for wii on Febuary 10th so set up as quick as possible and have games ready to go as soon as you get the game!

IF YOU NEED HELP WITH IRC please message me on AIM - Chronofire

Hope to see you all on in anticipation for Brawl!
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Vdogam3r said:
My computer is dead, cant download. Is there an alternatAve
I strongly doubt your computer is dead, and cannot download anything. Perhaps you just need some help?

Also, if anyone is using firefox, a great plugin for irc is Chatzilla.
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yes chatzilla is a great alternative and is very simple. It can be downloaded here

once installed and running enter the adress irc://

Thats all there is to it and your there
Ive updated the guide to include Chatzilla
Thank you
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ssbb4life, sounds good join when you get your dads file if you need any help feel free to message me
Vdogam3r said:
My computer shows the XP logo, then goes blank upon startup.
I use WIFI. Suprisingly, that works.
If when you restart your computer, it gets to the XP loading screen, and crashes, Windows is likely corrupted and you need to re-format. It is an easy process but will erase your hard drive.
If it turns off right when you start it up, and it doesn't get to the XP loading screen, the it is most likely a busted power supply. This is a very simple problem and solution. You can get a new one for $20 and they are easy to install.

If you need more help, PM me. Please.
It's mind-boggling for someone to have a computer problem, and just accept it as "dead", instead of fixing the problem. Why wouldn't you want your computer working?

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