My next Wii purchase


Resi4: amazing graphics, innovative controls, scare the hell out of you

Red Steel: get you used to FPS' on the wii, nice visuals, utilizes the wiimote
speaker well.

WarioWare: fun, goofy 'nuff said

SSBM(gc) or wait till brawl comes out: fun with friends, great controls, tons of replay

SPM: havnt played it but i really enjoyed its prequels

good luck choosin your next game
Do u guys think RE4 is scary, cuz i thought about getting it but I'm not really into scary games..
Glynopolis said:
Do u guys think RE4 is scary, cuz i thought about getting it but I'm not really into scary games..


no resident evil isnt scary and yes its awesome

and why arnt you not into scary games? im pretty sure the games youve played probably sucked
TortillaChip520 said:
yes, i set the sensitivity to minimal, but once you get used to it, i'd put it to medium. it's just about a 45 min learning curve, cuz u move the curser to the edge of the screen to turn, but u get used to it.

it was by most highly anticipated game for the wii before i bought it.

*COUGH*rep!*COUGH* who said that?! :shifty:
I would recomend red steel...I know alot of people have said it wasn't that great, but coming from someone that used to hate those kind of games I can't put it down....I got it less than a week ago and I am already at 70% (been on vacation ever since I bought it and haven't done much but play it) Although I am no where close to getting the samuri rankings on any of the levels
yeah i've seen that before, I think I will go back and do that once i finish it and learn all the levels

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