High Replay


WiiChat Member
Dec 19, 2007
Norton, OH
Wii Online Code
I really like playing games on the Wii. But I decided that games in cases taking up space on a shelf was pointless. So, I made up my mind to sell back all the games I wasn't playing (Red Steel, Twilight Princess, Sonic & the Secret Rings...) and only keep games with nearly infinite replay value.

So far, the games that fit that list are:

Wii Sports - (own it-duh)
Guitar Hero III - (own it- waiting for Downloadable content)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii

Obviously the last two haven't been released yet, but I will get them once they are (I've already preordered and payed for Brawl).

My question is this: what other games coming out will have insane replay value? Will they be worth buying? Lastly, which ones do you recommend?
It depends on the gamer. I enjoy a wide variety of games. I get a lot of replay value out of Hooked! fishing, but others might not even be able to tolerate playing it once.
I have games that end up taking up space on my shelf also. But there's always a situation down the line that makes me want to play the game again. Especially after a long time goes by. I rather keep em and have my library of games :p

RE4 is good, its fun being able to shoot at screen with Wii-mote.
In my mind, all games have infinite replay value. Example, MP3... play that game alot. You just gotta find something you really like about a game, then play off that. Mario Strikers has online, good replay value there.
...i've done that so many times, but down the road i think you'll regret not having these games...especially, say 10 years later. I find myself buying alot of NES games I used to own because I just got bored of them back then...but now i really want to play them
Lego Star Wars has a ton of content, and can be played co-op. Guitar Hero, Tiger Woods, Alien Syndrome, Ghost Squad, RE:UC, and Geometry Wars have the most replay value out of the games I own. Puzzle Quest has a ton of reply value too (I own the DS version). Link's Crossbow Training is pretty good for replay too, and I would play it more if I didn't have Ghost Squad and RE:UC.

I also played Alien Syndrome for about three months straight with a friend in co-op mode. If you can get past the PSP-like graphics, then I would suggest getting that game. It has a leveling system for your character (lv. 99 max), and has skill, and weapon systems that are both upgradeable. If you've ever played Diablo, or any of the Diablo clones around, that's what this game pretty much is.
I dont agree with that replay games there. I dont play them anymore because its the same over and over.

Every now and than when Im bored ill put in wiisports or for that matter mario kart double dash when I had the gamecube and It can occupy me for half an hour. And than it goes away for a week or 2 ;)

Replay value to me ( and I also think to the officials ) stands for playing a game different when you play it the second time.

This would be: Being on the enemy's side in a fps shooter, playing with different units in an rts or being a completely different class and allignment ( evil instead of good ) in an RPG
games with online have more replay value
like medal of honor 2
and mario strikers
i never played but heard good things about bwii
i like redsteel in multiplayer mode i donno
zelda is a game i spent 40 hours beating the 1st time if i want to beat it again would take less time but it would catch some dust between times playing

if u dont like keeping games maybe u should consider getting a gamefly account or something

what kind of games did u get before u got the wii
what kinda games are u into that might help us get an idea of what games to recomend

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