My 30-min Play Review of Happy Feet
As a father of a "almost" 5 year old girl it is difficult to find any good games for her age. Mostly the games are too difficult or just too violence. So when I saw one day the game Happy Feet in the store with a discount of 50% (from 59,95€ to only 29,95€) I thought it would be great for her. She saw the movies, we have the DVD, so what could be wrong.
I read some reviews (gamespot for example) and they turned the game down. But what do they know as reviewers, I believe the best review is from a user, not a magazine reporter (he, we all know they only like fast action, FPS and stuff like that).So let me start after this small intro with my 30-min Play Review of HAppy feet.
I am sure that most of you all are familiar with the movie Happy Feet. If not, the movie is about a small pinguin called Muble, and who isn´t great in singing like the rest of his friends, he likes to tapdance. And got rejected by his friends,get himself in some kind of trouble and like always save the day. The movie is very good, especially for the small ones, althought I must admit I enjoyed it also. Ok, now we know what the movie is, but how about the game?
You can say that the game is seperated in three kind of games: Tapdancing, Sliding and Swimming
1) Tapdancing:
Here you must syncronize your movement with some arrows on the screen, while listening to the music. On the screen you will see the four directions of the pointers (Left,right,iup and down), and from the buttom flies an arrow to the upper side of the screen. And in the moment it touches the pointer at the top of screen you must move your remote to that direction. It
seems very simple, but gets very hard sometimes..... Being Mumble isn´t that easy.
2) Sliding:
This is the best part of the games, also it has the best action in my opinion and the little ones will like this one the most as it is also the most easy one. Just slide on your belly and avoid the slow parts of the course. And sometimes you need to collect stuff and make your way to the end first. It is like a snowrace "who get first down, is the winner". I really liked this part.
3) Swimming
The swimming part is much like the sliding, but here you have to swim, collect hearts and later on even avoiding the Leopard Seals and the Killer Whales. Also you must collect bubbles so you can stay longer under water.AL just like in the movie.
The GFX are very good done. It feels like there are taken from the movies. Some scenes do remind you of the movies, like when Muble comes out of the egg. Or the Killer Whale chase.
The SFX are very clever done. There are a lot of good songs, not all the songs are from the movie. But I believe it has something to do with the copyright. Still the songs which are in the game are fantastic. You sure will have some moments where you will say "he, I know that song".
They effect are correct, nothing special, just right in place.
The gamebox says 3+, I would agree with them as it doesn´t have any violence stuff in it, just cuddle little Mumble and his friends. Still I would have given a 5+, because I believe children of that age will be mostly interested in playing it. My girl likes it, but it is complicated for here to play alone. She prefers playing Wiiplay or WarioWare than this (which surprised me a lot as she liked the movie) alone, if I am playing with here, she does play the game.
GFX: 8.0/10
SFX: 7.9/10
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Overal 7.8/10
The game is a great game for the children, even my neighbour (10 year old) like to play with it. Still it isn´t suitable for little children (<5 years old). The games is really a three game, which repeats itself over and over again with some differences. But hé, that is what children want, right?.... Again daddy, again daddy (Sounds familiar?)
If your children liked the movie and the are crazy about Mumble, they will like the game. The games isn´t very easy, still after some practise youw ill get the hang of it.
And if you can get it for a bargain price like I did, I would go for it.
If you want any more feedback, just ask me, I am happy to respond.:yesnod:
If you like it then click on my reputation button on the left..... hope to make some other reviews very soon.....
As a father of a "almost" 5 year old girl it is difficult to find any good games for her age. Mostly the games are too difficult or just too violence. So when I saw one day the game Happy Feet in the store with a discount of 50% (from 59,95€ to only 29,95€) I thought it would be great for her. She saw the movies, we have the DVD, so what could be wrong.
I read some reviews (gamespot for example) and they turned the game down. But what do they know as reviewers, I believe the best review is from a user, not a magazine reporter (he, we all know they only like fast action, FPS and stuff like that).So let me start after this small intro with my 30-min Play Review of HAppy feet.
I am sure that most of you all are familiar with the movie Happy Feet. If not, the movie is about a small pinguin called Muble, and who isn´t great in singing like the rest of his friends, he likes to tapdance. And got rejected by his friends,get himself in some kind of trouble and like always save the day. The movie is very good, especially for the small ones, althought I must admit I enjoyed it also. Ok, now we know what the movie is, but how about the game?
You can say that the game is seperated in three kind of games: Tapdancing, Sliding and Swimming
1) Tapdancing:
Here you must syncronize your movement with some arrows on the screen, while listening to the music. On the screen you will see the four directions of the pointers (Left,right,iup and down), and from the buttom flies an arrow to the upper side of the screen. And in the moment it touches the pointer at the top of screen you must move your remote to that direction. It
seems very simple, but gets very hard sometimes..... Being Mumble isn´t that easy.

2) Sliding:
This is the best part of the games, also it has the best action in my opinion and the little ones will like this one the most as it is also the most easy one. Just slide on your belly and avoid the slow parts of the course. And sometimes you need to collect stuff and make your way to the end first. It is like a snowrace "who get first down, is the winner". I really liked this part.

3) Swimming
The swimming part is much like the sliding, but here you have to swim, collect hearts and later on even avoiding the Leopard Seals and the Killer Whales. Also you must collect bubbles so you can stay longer under water.AL just like in the movie.
The GFX are very good done. It feels like there are taken from the movies. Some scenes do remind you of the movies, like when Muble comes out of the egg. Or the Killer Whale chase.
The SFX are very clever done. There are a lot of good songs, not all the songs are from the movie. But I believe it has something to do with the copyright. Still the songs which are in the game are fantastic. You sure will have some moments where you will say "he, I know that song".
They effect are correct, nothing special, just right in place.
The gamebox says 3+, I would agree with them as it doesn´t have any violence stuff in it, just cuddle little Mumble and his friends. Still I would have given a 5+, because I believe children of that age will be mostly interested in playing it. My girl likes it, but it is complicated for here to play alone. She prefers playing Wiiplay or WarioWare than this (which surprised me a lot as she liked the movie) alone, if I am playing with here, she does play the game.
GFX: 8.0/10
SFX: 7.9/10
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Overal 7.8/10
The game is a great game for the children, even my neighbour (10 year old) like to play with it. Still it isn´t suitable for little children (<5 years old). The games is really a three game, which repeats itself over and over again with some differences. But hé, that is what children want, right?.... Again daddy, again daddy (Sounds familiar?)
If your children liked the movie and the are crazy about Mumble, they will like the game. The games isn´t very easy, still after some practise youw ill get the hang of it.
And if you can get it for a bargain price like I did, I would go for it.
If you want any more feedback, just ask me, I am happy to respond.:yesnod:
If you like it then click on my reputation button on the left..... hope to make some other reviews very soon.....