MW2 coming to Wii, here's the proof

yeah i no what ''cum means''
i cant say theres children present but seriously cod5 was good 4 wii y not MW2
...Really? None of those games you stated are made by Activision. Call of Duty MW is developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Guitar Hero was made by Harmonix and was published by Activision and Red Octane.

Regarding the topic, ummm, no, not going to happen.

If I may point out, Harmonix music made Gh, GHII, and GH Rocks the 80's. Then, they sold the GH name to make Rock Band. If they didn't sell the name, they wouldn't have a big competition between GH and RB games, thus, proving my point.
after being somewhat disappointed with the conduit, i refuse to get my hopes up for another shooter, especially a port that hasn't been mentioned at all by the actual producers.
If I may point out, Harmonix music made Gh, GHII, and GH Rocks the 80's. Then, they sold the GH name to make Rock Band. If they didn't sell the name, they wouldn't have a big competition between GH and RB games, thus, proving my point.

I get your point there, but I simply wanted to state Activision didn't make those games. Is it because Activision is publishing it which makes you repelled by the purchase?
I get your point there, but I simply wanted to state Activision didn't make those games. Is it because Activision is publishing it which makes you repelled by the purchase?

Well, I probably won't buy it anyways. but Activision is one for one on making good games worse when they produce it.
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That's not exactly real proof, as Infinity Ward has not said anything about it yet. That's just the anticipation from the retailers that it is coming to Wii. That assumption may or may not be correct, we'll have to see.

Well, Activision does a smart step if they release the Wii version.

COD3 and COD:WAW already sold 1.3 million copies to date, the demand is there and they want to expand the game's user base.

If they want MW2 to be the best selling title ever, they must release to every console and gaming device in the market to reach the mark. And the Wii has an enormous 52 millions user base that they need to atrack.
Yeah, there's no doubt that they would benefit from releasing it on the Wii. But in the past it has been left out for games similar to this. It will be interesting to see which consoles they do release it on.
i'm still wondering why cod4 was released for the ds.

The Call of Duty badassness is simply too badass for the Wii. The vast majority of the purchases made for this game will be for 360/PS3. Not to be a pessimist, just pointing out the realities.
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The Call of Duty badassness is simply too badass for the Wii. The vast majority of the purchases made for this game will be for 360/PS3. Not to be a pessimist, just pointing out the realities.

Yeah, becose they built a watered down version without all the features and modes the other versions have, but this will change if Infinity War takes the job improving the adapted COD4 engine to Wii with high quality graphics, all the features and modes, online support, Wiispeak support, motion + support and DLC support.
This title will compete better against the HD console counterparts and why not, maybe beat them in sales.

Here's another proof, Kotaku asking Activision about the Wii version:

Modern Warfare 2 Wii MIA: Call of Duty: World at War was a hit on the Wii last year, selling more than a million copies. At E3 last month I asked Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime whether the series was returning this year to the Wii, or if the then non-COD-named Modern Warfare 2 was going to have a Wii version. He said that that was a question for series publisher Activision. So this week, right as the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 naming news was breaking (not the best timing), I shot Kotaku's rep for all things Activision a note inquiring about whether COD or MW was going to have a Wii presence. The response was that Activision had no information to share. So... we wait...

it is confirmed for wii. the proof is that on the pre order form its says ps3 pc xbox 360 xbox 360 live and WII!!!!

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