Call of Duty: Black Ops for Wii in Doubt


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
According to wii.nintendolife, another Call Of Duty game may the wii.

Fate of the Wii version is up in the air

GameStop pre-order listing omits Nintendo's console

Those who have enjoyed the Call of Duty franchise's previous outings on Nintendo platforms will surely be disappointed to learn of retail outlet GameStop's omission of the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops' Wii incarnation on its pre-order listing.

Activision has yet to officially announce which systems will carry the title, so it's all speculation at this point. But based on this new development, however, it's looking more likely that Black Ops will either unfortunately see a delayed Wii release or possibly none at all.

Treyarch, the developers of this year's entry, have been Wii-friendly for past Call of Duty games, delivering versions of their previous entries Call of Duty 3 and World at War. The studio also ported Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to Wii in November 2009, two years after the game was originally released on PC and HD consoles. The Wii lacks a version of Modern Warfare 2.

Gamestop confirms it for PC, PS3 and 360 though on 11-09-10 for COD: BLACK OPS

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They think Wii cant hold COD6 or COD 7 nor Nazi Zombies

This is stupid Gamecube was better than Wii since GameCube had better graphics now no COD6 or 7
This is stupid Gamecube was better than Wii since GameCube had better graphics now no COD6 or 7

As that bloke off Banzai said

"YOU WRONG!!!!!!"

The Wii is technically better than the GameCube as its power is basically two GameCubes fused together.
Its some developers that are a bit lax on showing what the Wii can do.
Granted its no powerhouse when it comes to graphics, but who really cares what a game looks like?
(Apart from idiots that think that if its looks great it is great)
Lol I heard somewhere that Treyarch aren't going to port any more Call Of Duty games to the Wii.

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