Multiplayer struggle!!


WiiChat Member
Feb 3, 2012
Hi,I was just wandering if you could possibly help please!Me and a friend exchanged codes last night and tried to play multiplayer! We could both invite each other but then never could connect to a game!! We both tried seperately to enter a game then the other would attempt to join but could not even though there was still player spaces available.. Any help would be grateley appreciated..Thanks
you just got unlucky on the party invites and joining.

as for not getting into a game that the other is already in..... dunno if its a "region" thing or not- but happens now and then.

better luck next time.
Are you doing it right?

One play sends an invite (note: only one player sends an invite), then the other player accepts the invite. Then that player joins the others party. The party leader joins a game with you in the party. It should not take long to find a game (if you do TC or Heros, other modes will take longer).
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Cool thanks mate,so its just a case of keep trying!! Is there a minimum number of players needed?My fc is 2373 4904 8045. 00MADDOGMy freind Snake is 1257 8360 9754

We live quite close to each other so it was very confusing!! Am i ok to add you as friends and see if I/we can join you?Thanks again
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I'm not sure to be honest mate,I've not been playing long! I've completed the game and played a little multiplayer but can't hook up with my friend..I'm not online at the mo to check my level but will do tomorrow an get back to you.. I'm guessing having more friends increases the chance of finding a host quickly? Or hoping?

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