Why dont I see any Mii's in my parade?


WiiChat Member
Mar 23, 2008
My friend and I are both on each others friends and address books and can send messages back and forth. We have our Mii's set to mingle and we have the travel feature on. We have even set each other's Mii's to each others consoles, but when we go to the parade, both of our consoles say there is no one in the parade and its empty. Why is that? She is in NC and I am in CT. We both have our systems online and have the settings set to what they should be. We have been exchanging messages and pictures so its obviously working. We just cant figure out how to get the parade thing to work.

If anyone could help, we would both be grateful.
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tried that too. i left my parade open for hours and so did she and nothing.

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