MP3 Player You Own?

1st generation ipod Shuffle 1GB

Don't use it that much..usually just for my after work walk, so don't need anything fancier. Got it as a birthday present a couple years ago.
Chewy said:
To the ipod haters: Why? Why do you hate an MP3 player? What is so bad about it?

The ones being sold around here are extremely unreliable and break easily. As well, they are quite expensive when you can get say a Creative for much less that has even more space and a better interface.
uloseiwin said:
Your better off getting one of those giant videos, 4 gigs can barely hold any video at all.
Well, in all fairness, not everyone cares about video on their media player. Some do just use them for music. 4GB can hold a fair amount of music.

Ipod's are really overrated...
Anything that can't play most of my music collection (which is in a standard media format that's been around for over six years) is "overrated".
@sremick ~

Left a long and meandering post a page back, re: RockBox

Have you ever tried any of the iPOD Linux? I nabbed a package to try, again, more for just messing around than anything.

Since posting I installed a newer version of .rb and I seemed to have lost my album art from my theme.
Nope, don't own an iPod... unless I hear more-assuring word that it'd be worth my time, I have better things to spend my money on for the time being. :)
sremick said:
Anything that can't play most of my music collection (which is in a standard media format that's been around for over six years) is "overrated".
correct me if im wrong but isnt MP3 the standard? iPods have always been able to play MP3s right out of the box. i only rip my music (through iTunes even) as MP3s and put them on my iPod as MP3s.
Mitch2025 said:
correct me if im wrong but isnt MP3 the standard? iPods have always been able to play MP3s right out of the box. i only rip my music (through iTunes even) as MP3s and put them on my iPod as MP3s.
I said "a standard" not "the standard". ;) There are many music format standards out there, just as there are many paper size standards even if "letter" is the most common (in the USA at least, A4 everywhere else).

Besides, if MP3 is "the standard", why did Nintendo ditch it for AAC? ;)

Anyhow, whether it's MP3, AAC, WAV, OGG, FLAC... these are all accepted standards and each has its advantages. Implementing one is a simple as a CODEC and while CODECs like MP3 might be encumbered by legal issues, others (like Ogg) are not. In this case I was specifically referring to Ogg Vorbis, which is a standard defined format since 2002 even if it's not the most ubiquitous. Pretty much any music-playing utility on any OS plays it (including WinAmp), and plenty of stand-alone players like those from iRiver. Apple's choice to not include Ogg support is just plain arrogance... they wouldn't be taking anything away from established users, and would only open it up to a wider audience (not to mention setting a good example). Strangely, Apple fanatics will scold and berate those of us who ask for this increased functionality, even though Apple including it wouldn't affect them one tiny bit. Go figure. You'd think we were asking the iPod to not support MP3 or something. :rolleyes:

Legal and moral issues aside, my experience with Ogg Vorbis has matched that of many other analysts: I get better sound quality at the same bitrate as MP3, or I can get smaller file-sizes at the same sound-quality. It's a no-brainer... except for no-brain companies like Apple that make it difficult, that is.

Luckily my computer, my Palm, and the iRiver Clix2 play Ogg just fine.
i have a 30 gig 5th gen iPod video...

but i play a lot of my music from my phone...

Sprint Treo 700wx :D
AndThen? said:
That's what I'm talking about. Mine's green though.

Who needs a coloured screen anyway?

What do you mean? Nowadays colored screens are ESSENTIAL
Apollo said:
What do you mean? Nowadays colored screens are ESSENTIAL
How does a colored screen make your music files sound better?

I'd hardly call them "essential". A nice feature many would prefer, but not critical to the playback of music.

Many people would say that a monochrome screen is "essential" as it gives them much-better battery life which is more-important to them than "oooh colored song names".
I have a 2GB SanDisc Sansa . It is small, and easy. I like the fact that when I connect, it is recognized as an external drive, and I can just click and drag into it. No programs, and pretty quick. I also like that it has a slot for a memory card for a quick 2-4GB expansion.

I hate ipods cause they make you use itunes, and they try to make everything more difficult than it needs to be. Another reason they suck is cause iTunes doesn't carry certain artist, like THE BEATLES. Possibly the most popular group of all time. Everyone needs to have access to the Beatles. Boooo..... I think I need to reup that Beatles mix that I made for Celeste that she conveniently lost. =P Then she will finally open her sweet, sweet eyes and see the wonder of the Beatles.

I actually have 2 iPods right now. A friend gave one to me, so I could play along with some of the tunes on my electronic drum kit, and then he left another one in my car. I played with that one until it died, and have yet to charge it again.
TacosTacos said:
I hate ipods cause they make you use itunes
-1 for Apple, +1 for iRiver, et al.

There is zero reason why a portable media player should not simply work like any other USB flash drive: you plug it in, it appears as a drive. That's it. Period. This is a standard that not only doesn't require iTunes, but works across countless operating systems... not just the ones Apple feels bothered to produce a version of iTunes for.
sremick said:
I'm hardly a "Creative fanboy" or an Apple hater, but for all the quality of their products and design Apple sure make a lot of stupid decisions and unnecessarily limit their products.

Gee kinda sounds like Nintendo huh. Poor online. Friend Codes. on and on.

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