Police Take Down Dangerous Perp Armed With a Philips MP3 Player


Animal Collective
Dec 30, 2007
Wherever Fate Takes Me
Wii Online Code
Just about one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

Mechanic Darren Nixon recently got a rude awakening when he was arrested at gunpoint because a bystander and a team of British police both mistook his 4GB Phillps MP3 player for a pistol. Amazingly enough, the ordeal was not cleared up with a simple "It's an MP3 player stupid"—in fact, Nixon was taken back to HQ, swabbed for DNA, fingerprinted, and thrown into a cell based on suspicion. Naturally, the whole ordeal has left Nixon shaken and disillusioned with his local police force. Hey, at least he didn't get shot.

This is the guy and his MP3 player...

Haha, that's so stupid, it's actually funny.:lol:
if i were that guy, i would be so pissed that they threw me in jail for having an mp3 player. how would that look on a job application:
So, it says here you did jail time; what was that for?
Posession of multimedia device.
That's ridiculous!

If they're gonna make a stupid mistake and think that an mp3 player that looks nothing like a gun at all is a pistol is one thing, but to throw him in jail even after they find out it's not? What the hell?

This reminds me of a scene from Harold and Kumar:
Cop:"He's got a gun!"
Black guy:"It's not a gun, it's just a book!"
Cop:"Secure the book!"
Cop:"Book secured!"
laderer5 said:
:lol: classic stupid police wanting an excuse to arrest people...

Classic stereotype...

Stupid police or stupid people who mistake an mp3 player for a gun.

I wonder if he will be pressing charges against the law enforcers.
Syntax said:
Classic stereotype...

Stupid police or stupid people who mistake an mp3 player for a gun.

I wonder if he will be pressing charges against the law enforcers.

Not ment to be sterotypic. I just love how some police can be so ignorant or stupid that once they found out that it was an mp3 player they still arrested him
haha that hilarious...something similar happened to my dad...he was in Alaska for aobut a month with a rental car...and for some reason he didn't have a liscense plate, but he had some pass that he had been given that stated why and why he didn't need one while he was renting the car...anyway the poilce would pull him over every time they saw him...and the last day he was there he got so pissed off at the cop that the cop told him he was gonna take him in. I guess he talked him out of it cause it never happened...I just don't get why they couldn't just give him a new car...
lmao everyone picture this
a guy holding a "pistol" dancing and happy and smiling and stuff
just picture it
a guy would hold a "pistol" up dancing and stuff lol!
I love the picture they included in the article:

If I were this guy I would definitely sue them. Where I live the police are only there when you don't need them.

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