modern warfare games comming out


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2007
Does anyone think NINTENDO will bring Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare to the wii? Or is there any other modern warfare games in development ?
I dont think COD 4 will come to wii. On the other hand the Cube had some other COD games.

Maybe there will be another modern warfare shooter on the wii
Yeah, as mentioned above, the chances of COD 4 coming to the Wii are very low, but there are other war games such as MOH which will be available for the Wii in the near future.
UGH! What did we do God? Why!!??! In the three games of Call of Duty on Nintendo consoles, why not the fourth and ultimately the best? Oh well, I guess I'll wait till MOH...
Something tells me its mainly the controller. The wiimote is just not well suited for FPS's.
jwm2 said:
Something tells me its mainly the controller. The wiimote is just not well suited for FPS's.
Huh?!? :yikes: You are kidding right?

The Wii Remote + nunchuck control has potential to be one of the best FPS controls ever seen on a console, arguably equal to that of the mouse + keyboard. Wow...

Sad that COD4 isn't coming however... :(
jwm2 said:
Something tells me its mainly the controller. The wiimote is just not well suited for FPS's.'re...did you..."not suited"...wah?!
I hope you were being sarcastic.

Anyway, CoD4 really hardly belongs on the Wii (or the DS for that matter). The DS version is "Call of Duty" in name only. While I'm not a huge graphics buff, CoD4 in HD is just too beautiful to taint it with the weaker power of the Wii.
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jwm2 said:
Something tells me its mainly the controller. The wiimote is just not well suited for FPS's.
bravo, senor.

i thought sarcasm was dead, but you have proven me wrong.

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