Minutes To Midnight

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  • #48
surfinrach90 said:
Lol! How come ssbb?

And I think I'm listening to the first one now lol
The 1st one is "Wake". And you have to because the song order is brilliant (IMO).
It's like they all loaded up on prozac. Every album previous has been heavy on guitar riffs(sp?). This album has maybe one song with somewhat of a noticeable guitar. Not saying it is a bad CD, but it's nothing like what they are known for.
Ok, those Jay-z remixes were awesome.

Am I the only one here that actually likes the new album?:(

I love to see a band change their style. Frankly it takes a lot of balls to up and change your style so dramatically from one album to the next. I like it, but then I like A LOT of music. So I guess that lets me enjoy it more for what it is, not expecting the same LP sound.
I like this CD, tank, but I hated the Jay-z versions with the scorn of a thousand angry wives.
I'd like to see where LP are taking this new style.
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  • #53
Cpt.McCloud said:
I'd like to see where LP are taking this new style.
3 more years then I guess, 3 more years. ^_^

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