Minutes To Midnight

Sorry ssbb_lover, but to be completely honest with you, I have to say I just don't like them that much. I am one of those individuals who will listen to anything but I find these guys annoying for some reason.
All my friends hate me for it but I have to say what I think right?
Griever said:
The problem with the album isn't the fact that a lot of the songs are softer because there are still some tracks on the album which more follow the old LP style ("Given Up", "No More Sorrow", "Bleed It Out") and the problem isn't even that some of the songs have hardly no guitar elements at all ("Hands Held High","Leave Out All The Rest") because some of these songs are actually pretty good if you don't listen to them expecting a Nu-Metal track...

The problem is that the album has too many clashes of different styles on it. It's far too clear that Chester and Shinoda are almost fighting for control of the album and the producer, Rick Rubin, has done an uncharacteristically bad job at sorting it all out.

Shinoda is clearly moving more towards the style of music he released with his side-project Fort Minor (and that side project really does suck - I mean, truly, the songs aren't even full songs it's like parts of the songs are missing) whereas Chester still wants to produce the heavier stuff albeit whilst moving away from the Nu-Metal style. What it's ended up doing is messing up the album because the two styles are just too different to mix together.

Personally, I like these songs;

- Given Up; This is a lot more like the old LP style and when I heard it (it's the second track so you hear it first after the Intro, "Wake") I actually had high expectations for the album. It's a good song.

- Leave Out All The Rest; This one might be slower but it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb which is why I like it. The heavier chorus emphasises the point, really, and because of this I think it's not so bad. Also, unlike some of the other slower songs on the album, like "In Between", this song actually sounds like it is a finished and polished product.

- Bleed It Out; Could do with a heavier riff in the rapping sections but the chorus makes up for it. Reminds me of some of the older stuff, really, but if it was to stay it would need a little work to make it sound more fininshed.

- What I've Done; To say it's slower I don't think it's a bad song. Like "Leave Out All The Rest" this track sounds finished and polished and so it ends up being a good track. I suppose if some of the other softer songs on the album sounded just as full then they wouldn't be such a let down.

- Hands Held High; I just like the message this song puts across even if it barely has any guitar elements. The lyrics are definately the most mature Shinoda has ever written and it's the only song on the album which shows he actually has any skill as a lyricist. His lyrics on this album are pretty weak apart from this song, tbh. Still, though, it's not really heavy enough to fit in with some of the other songs so - despite how much I like the lyrics - it would either need a lot of work or just to be scrapped altogether. It really needs a heavy chorus, tbh, because the chorus it actually does have is a let down.

- No More Sorrow; Best track on the album bar none. Heavy, lotsa screaming, lotsa drums and not a lot of the synth crap you hear on the worse songs on this album. It sounds finished, done, and - most of all - it sounds like LP wrote it. This is clearly one of the more Chester influenced songs and if Chester's solo album sounds like this I'm gonna have to buy it more than once...

- The Little Things Give You Away; It might be slow but it makes a good last song for the album. Also, I like the way it builds up slowly over the length of the song and progressively gets heavier until it all comes together at the end. Also, it is the longest song that LP have ever written and on that note alone I think it should stay. Hell, it's twice as long as some of the weaker songs and still managed to sound a lot more finished than they do.

Anyway, yeah - these 7 would probably make a decent EP which is sad considering this album had 150 songs written and ready yet the weakest songs have managed to get through. I want to hear what some of those other 150 sounded like just so I can compare. Hopefully some of the heavier one's will be released as B-Sides so people can tell LP how much better the heavier tracks are than the Shinoda heavy stuff...

Anyway - I suggest *cough* downloading *cough* this album rather than spending your not-so-hard earned money on it. I don't think there are enough good tracks on it to warrant the price tag.

Just my (far more than) 2 pence. <3

Greiver, is it possible to make a short post or at least one under two paragraphs?:lol:

Hm, i shall try to listen to some of these songs
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  • #34
I'm brave enough to admit that I was absolutely wrong about this album. Now on my 6th hearing of this album, i'm appreciating it more than ever. Like Griever, i'll say my favorite tracks and why. I'll try to make it short enough for McCloud's attention span. :lol:

Wake - Good, clean way to start off the album, not exactly one of my "favorite tracks", but it's a decent way to kick it off.

Given Up - Old-LP style! Very nice song, feels finished with all the rough edges smoothed out.

Bleed it Out - A little different then their old style, but nevertheless good. The rapping and singing aren't as smooth as in Meteora, but it's still a great song.

Shadow of the Day - Great song, I really like this track. It's softer than the others, but still sweet.

What I've Done - This song is maybe the 4th best song on the album, I have no clue why they made this their single (I guess because there's nor cursing). A quality song, but the song never hits a climax. It just goes through a chorus the whole way through.

Hand Held High - The lyrics are good, like Griever said, they're "mature".

No More Sorrow - Old-LP, great. I'd give as good a rating as "Given Up".

Valentine's Day - awesome song, just very well composed. Tied for #1 or #2 no hands down.

In Pieces - great song, good lyrics. A good mix of Old-LP and New-LP.

The Little Things Give You Away - Nice "soft singing". A pleasant surprise from LP that gets better every time I hear it.

What I've Done (Live) - better than the recorded version
ssbb_lover said:
Quite a shame. :( I had a high anticipation for it which has been killed now. I thought this was going to be an amazing album (and I haven't had heard one in a while now).

Well where have you been man?
Ive heard some great albums recently..one being the new Arctic Monkeys cd, and Sam's Town by The Killers was also a very good album. Maybe you dont like these guys at all, but there have been some really good albums that have come out in the last little while.

Ill have to check out the new Linkin Park album, I cant wait to hear it.
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  • #36
CantGetAWii said:
Well where have you been man?
Ive heard some great albums recently..one being the new Arctic Monkeys cd, and Sam's Town by The Killers was also a very good album. Maybe you dont like these guys at all, but there have been some really good albums that have come out in the last little while.

Ill have to check out the new Linkin Park album, I cant wait to hear it.
Where have I been? I post about 50 times every day on this forum, lol. Question is, where have you been? :/

Seriously though, I was just growing to like you then you went and disappeared!

I like both Sam's Town and Favorite Worst Nightmare. :) And now, this CD as well. I like this CD best though, F.W.N. lost appeal really quickly.
I heard one song on the radio and it soudned good.

Now to find the others:lol:
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  • #38
Cpt.McCloud said:
I heard one song on the radio and it soudned good.

Now to find the others:lol:
Ya, "What I've Done". Like I said, unfortunately it just never hits a climax and just drolls on in in the chorus the entire time. Could've been an amazing song, it just needed a little screaming. ;)
ssbb_lover said:
Ya, "What I've Done". Like I said, unfortunately it just never hits a climax and just drolls on in in the chorus the entire time. Could've been an amazing song, it just needed a little screaming. ;)

Yep, just looked it up and it is what i've done.

Is that the only song they released as single from new album so far?
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  • #40
Cpt.McCloud said:
Yep, just looked it up and it is what i've done.

Is that the only song they released as single from new album so far?
"So far"?.....Anyways, ya. The only single they released on the album.....what do you mean by "so far"? Too bad it's like the 4th best song. The only reason it's the single is because the lyrics are friendly.
ssbb_lover said:
"So far"?.....Anyways, ya. The only single they released on the album.....what do you mean by "so far"? Too bad it's like the 4th best song. The only reason it's the single is because the lyrics are friendly.

The full song is building up to chorus or chorus. . .:lol:

Still good song.

Whats top three in tylers mind? >.<
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  • #42
Cpt.McCloud said:
The full song is building up to chorus or chorus. . .:lol:

Still good song.

Whats top three in tylers mind? >.<
Hmm...in no particular order....

Given Up (Old-LP sound)
No More Sorrow (Old-LP sound)
Valentine's Day (good collaboration of Old-LP and New-LP, mostly New)
The Little Things Give You Away (very different, very soft, but a good way to end the album)

Hehe, 4. Whateva.
ssbb_lover said:
Where have I been? I post about 50 times every day on this forum, lol. Question is, where have you been? :/

Seriously though, I was just growing to like you then you went and disappeared!

I like both Sam's Town and Favorite Worst Nightmare. :) And now, this CD as well. I like this CD best though, F.W.N. lost appeal really quickly.

Alright fair enough man, you got my respect! lol
And I havent been allowed on the comp for a bit, but im back now.
So you can like me again lol.

F.W.N, I still give it a daily listen to
At the moment I'm listening to 'What I've done' and I really like it tbh... :)

It's the first one on the album for me to listen too but yeah, so far I'm liking, I shall keep ya updated and tell you what I think of the others
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  • #45
CantGetAWii said:
Alright fair enough man, you got my respect! lol
And I havent been allowed on the comp for a bit, but im back now.
So you can like me again lol.

F.W.N, I still give it a daily listen to
Meh, haven't listened to it for over a week now. It didn't kill like WPSIATWIN did (damn, is that an abbreviation?).

surfinrach90 said:
At the moment I'm listening to 'What I've done' and I really like it tbh... :)

It's the first one on the album for me to listen too but yeah, so far I'm liking, I shall keep ya updated and tell you what I think of the others
NONONO! You can't listen to the album out of order!

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