Mii Parade Max Limit?


WiiChat Member
Feb 15, 2007
I've heard of 210, 550, and I'm sure more, but is there a limit to how many Mii's can be in your parade?

(I do know that SADLY, a user can only have up to 100 of his/her own Mii's) :frown2:

And also: Does the persons Wii have to be ON for others to get their Miis in their parade? Or can Wii consoles be off and you can still get that other persons Mii's in your parade?
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Not sure, but here's a video with 1007...

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TexasDudeUSA said:
And also: Does the persons Wii have to be ON for others to get their Miis in their parade? Or can Wii consoles be off and you can still get that other persons Mii's in your parade?

its my understanding, though that may be wrong, that it's the other way around! in other words the Mii's only come when the other Wii is off. . . . . . .
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Oh dang! That's a lot of Mii's, ahahah. But 1007 is the limit......why not 2000...or 1000?

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