Whats the point of the Mii channel?


WiiChat Member
Aug 1, 2007
Hamilton,ON, Canada
Wii Online Code
First of all want to say that i do enjoy checking the Mii channel to see if any new Mii's have arrived.
But I was wondering whats the point of it? I've added some friends codes and they're in the plaza and some are in the parade page. But does anything happen over time to the Mii's or is the point to get as many Mii's as possible to mingle around?
Also I took one of the Mii's from the parade and sent them to the plaza. WIll that Mii go back to the parade eventually or do I have to do something to put them back in the parade?

thanks for the help.

I think the point of the Miis is to be able to play them in games and clearly identify contacts and just to mess around with and if you send them to the plaza you just push the plaza button again to bring them back I believe.other then that there is not other use for them.
The mii channel is a place were you can create an Avatar of yourself so you can play as them in games and other uses like the Everybody Votes Channel.
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I tried pushing the plaza button and nothing happened. That Mii is still in the plaza but not back in the parade

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