Mii Pants

i really think nintendo needs to ad more features for the Mii's.....they look retarted, i mean give them some accesories or something or some shirt designs...it's be cool if you could draw a logo to put on your mii's shirt or draw him a tatto or something like on Mario Cart DS

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kevglynn said:
Supposedly Wario Smooth Moves makes a good use of Miis. Can anyone confirm that?

And whoever has a white panted Mii, please let us know.

Also, how the heck does the Mii parade thing work? I haven't seen anyone in it, yet. Is it an automatic thing with your friends, or what?

Oh, a couple reasons it's cool to have more than four is if you like to do the Wii Sports Fitness test more than once, you need more Miis. Also, when playing Wii Sports (and other Mii compatible games, supposedly), you're Miis will be used for the crowd (bowling), other players (baseball), and who knows what else?

Pretty neat stuff.

theres a mode for 12 players at once, so 12 miis
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MadBob said:
MII's of mine have been sneezing lately! that was a bit weird :)

Oh no! You're Wii has a virus!

Also, sometimes when you blow the whistle, one or two will fall over when running into position.
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