Check Mii Out Q & A


Crushed Ice
Jun 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
Here are some questions that people have been asking lately about the new Check Mii Out channel. Hopefully this thread will solve most of everyones problems, questions, and/or concerns

Q. Where can I get this Channel?
A. Go to the Wii Shop and look in the Wiiware(FREE).

Q. How do I post a Mii?
A. Well first of course you have to make one. Then go to the Post area and click the messge looking icon on the top right corner. Go through the readings and then choose the Mii you want sent. You then receive a confirmination and your entry code for your mii.

Q. What is an entry code?
A. Its is a code that has been assigned to the Mii that has been sent. Using this code you can use the search and type the code to find a Mii.

Q. What if I want to find my Mii that I posted but didn't write the entry code.
A. No worries. You can simply do all the steps to post you mii again except once you get to the screen with the code make sure to press quit or else you vote count will start over.

Q. What is vote count?
A. It is how many times someone has fovorited your Mii. This is used to increase your Mii's rank

Q. How do you search a Mii?
A. When you go to the post area you will find at the middle of the bottom of the screen you will see this button called popularity. Click it and a list of things will pop-up(this is also how you sort out the way you want to see the Mii's in the post area). Look at the bottom for a magnifying glass looking icon. This Icon means search and if you click it a screen will appear. Look at the top right and click change. Now you will be on a screen where you can type the number.

Q. How do I view my status?
A. When your on the page where it says contestand Post Area look on the bottom and you will see the face of your Mii Artisan. click it and you will go on a page where you can change your Mii Artisan and look at his status such as what rank,how many Mii's you sent, and more.

Q. How do i download a Mii into my plaza?
A. Look for a Mii by either going to the post area or searching its code. Click the Mii you want and you will view its status. Click the Import button and it will be sent

Q. How do I favorite a Mii?
A. Look for a Mii by either going to the post area or searching its code. Click the Mii you want to vote and you wiill view its status. Click the Favorite button and it will be added to your favorites.

Q. How do I view the Mii's I favorited?
A. When you go to the post area you will find at the middle of the bottom of the screen you will see this button called popularity. Click it and a list of things will pop-up. Look for something called favorite and click it. Now all the Mii's that you have favorited will show up.

Q. How do I unfavorite a Mii?
A. Go to your favorites. then click a Mii you want to unfavorite. Then look to the left and click the sad face and then yes.

Q. How do I enter in a contest?
A. When you first start up the channel and get to the screen where it says post area and contest click the contest. See what the category it is and then leave to go make your Mii. When you have made your Mii come back and click the category. Now choose the Mii you made for it and send it to the contest.

If you have any additional questions that I haven't put up then please post and I will put it up.

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