Metroid Prime 3

I would guess deathmatch, that's what most online players would like to see. May be also CTF or such..?
Hotspur Warrior said:
Last I heard the game was finished by the end of 2006, but they're completely overhauling the graphics and adding stuff like online play.

online play u serious if it is omgd w00ps all around l000l!
i wouldnt even want anything over the top of MP. a good 8 maps to keep things thresh, and maybe three modes, DM, TDM and CTF. Use a quake/ut style, i.e not class system you just pickup weapons and fights. nice and simple, wouldnt take too much planning, although balancing weapons would do. it would also allow time to develop the actualy gameplay.
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if they were to make it online id think it would basically be like hunters just alot better.
I hope it has a great online multiplayer so I can finally get my Halo-loving friends to stop playing for a while
StevenNevets said:
How could they make it any better looking? Already looked better than Halo2...

It has to either be for online-play or just to make the game massive.
How? They've been able to program games for the Wii for what, 8 months? (wild guess) In 4 years, there'll be better looking Wii games than Corruption, no doubt. That's the way these consoles work. The devs have to figure out how to get the most out of the system's power and take advantage of it; something not possible in the "8 months".

But I agree. If they are taking more time to work on it, it's got to be for multiplayer or expanding the story mode. My guess? It's the latter of the two. Either way, I can wait. Hardly. I'm sure it'll be worth it all.
every night i pray that they're just adding multiplayer and waiting for nintendo to release the light gun for use with the game. They said the game would be "perfect", and thats not possible without multiplayer and the light gun. God damn i hope these developers realize the potential of the light gun.
Light beam was no big deal. Why are you so obsessed about it? And I'll had that mp always took a bigger place in my heart than halo. If mp3 gets multiplayer halo style and it's actually good I think it could raise the wii bar up big times, brawl and galaxy are good but still a bit childish compared to mp3.
SLrocket said:
the controls for hunters kinda sucked to me. it was too hard to hold and stuff
Ya, but the controlls will be completely differnt, the online is what will probobly be similar.

And yes the graphics can be better but if the game was "almost done" and it's only been a 8 months I don't think they would "overhaul" the graphics... Maybe a few buffs though.

I'm getting this game no matter what.
If it has no multi-player it just meens single-player will be better.
If it has week single player than multi-player will be better.
Basicaly no matter how they divide the time the game is sure to be awsome.
This gun phails. Ever saw mp3 trailers? They where using classic nunchuck+remote. I don't see how you could hold this gun I mean you press A to shoot while directing joystick, it could look like a shotgun... gross
epikon said:
i wouldnt even want anything over the top of MP. a good 8 maps to keep things thresh, and maybe three modes, DM, TDM and CTF. Use a quake/ut style, i.e not class system you just pickup weapons and fights. nice and simple, wouldnt take too much planning, although balancing weapons would do. it would also allow time to develop the actualy gameplay.

Yup. And they had BETTER not allow the lock on feature for multiplayer...that would get REALLY old, REALLY fast. And the wii can aim, so there's no reason for lock on. That's really the only thing I'm worried about if it has online. That, and I want it to be 16 player.

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