Super Mario Galaxy Release Date Confirmed!


Aug 20, 2007
Mario Galaxy has officially been given a----NOVEMBER 16th----Release date for UK not sure about usa though.

other release dates,

Metroid prime 3- 26th October
Smash bros brawl. 2008 <----(no fair)
RE UC-30th November

Sorry if already posted or if its old news) But iv only just found out about it and i checked if already posted and it came up with nout
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dam thats no fair. lol at least its not like 3 months though, like our metroid prime 3 isnt till october 26 and our brawl isnt till 2008
I believe there was a Gamestop release sheet that had it listed for Nov. 16 in Europe.
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My source = onm magazine is a great and is the official nintendo magazine, and iv read it since launch (of magazine in march 2006) all of its information is %100 official and is correct,

and 95% of the time its the most up to date news, it has a new post on the site which, list a large number of new wii title and launch date, either by official confirmation, or expected date (expected dates are written as TBC Q4 of autumn, just some examples) where as official dates are given as exact dates,

the one on my main post are just the most interesing ones in my opinion but there is a larger list of both Wii and DS games,

have fun looking them up

a more direct link to the exact post is here
That sucks a lot. We're expecting Metroid Prime 3 on monday and both Brawl and Mario galaxy this year.
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well the main thing im pee'd off about is the brawl,

and let me tell you now if we have to wait over a month longer than usa for either brawl or Mario kart wii im gonna flip lol its not fair
Living in the US theres only one game im mad about that hasn't come out in North America and that is the new Fire Emblem which has been out in Japan for a long time now.
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I h8 japan they get everything a LONG time before us, (even though the are the ones that gave us Wii in the first place)

but then u get you USA people who get almost everything before us aswell.

is not fair for us poor UK/Europe dwellers Nintendo hates us
Although I don't doubt the reliability of the source, I was just wondering why it has Fifa 08 set for 'Autumn', when the release date is widely known (28th September)?

Bring on October and November though: Corruption, Galaxy, NfS, and Umbrella Chronicles! Thank God for student loans hey!

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