Metroid Prime 3 revolutionary?

1. But assuming that you are at a younger age in second grade, you would have most likely learned how to use sarcasm at about that age, not necassarily through school, however.
2. I already saw above, that's what I was replying to in the first place...
3. Sorry, Ill try to recognize your tone of voice next time I read your post. (THAT WAS FLIPPING SARCASM)
CaseyCor said:
I'm sure there will be more (I ****ing hope so!), but they won't be in the Metroid Prime series. I'm hoping for a new 2-D game!
NOOOOOOOO. I NEED METROID ONLINE. I would be good with a 2d metroid game on a handheld, however.
LevesqueIsKing said:
^nothing has been confirmed, but its safe to say that there will be no online multiplayer.

There is, however, a rumor that mp3 will use wiiconnect24 to allow players to download updates for the game (eg additional maps, weapons, etc.), but imo, this will not keep many people's interest in the game.

If they used wiiconnect24 to update the online multiplayer, however, that would be simply amazing.


Could Ninty use WiiConnect24 to eventually add online gameplay to the game? Would that be too big of an update? I think that this might be what they are planning. They want to add it, but they dont want to delay the game any further, so theyre hoping they can get online running a few months after the game is released.

Well, you never know, they've still got a good while till the release date.

If they were to use WiiConnect24 to update the game that would be great, and I'm sure that it wouldn't be too large, I'd say 512MB is enough even though it is still puny. However, I believe Nintendo would release the online ability on the disc.

But here's a funny thought I just had, will the updates cost WiiPoints or will they be free? If Nintendo wanted they could actually charge us to allow online multiplayer if we wanted it.
^Im pretty sure that Nintendo already promised that online gamplay on the Wii would be free. Therefore, even if we had to download/update, Im pretty sure its safe to say it'd be for free.

Im hoping that Ninty implements an 'achievements' type system, in which for achieving certain things we dont get useless points (xbox), but we get vc points!
CaseyCor said:
Yes, you are correct. Metroid Prime is a trilogy. He was simply using MP4 as an example of the game being more successful if it had online, which is a VERY valid and strong agument.

Oh, I get it, "at a very slow-point" but i get what your saying!! LIK is just using it for Ex!!

LevesqueIsKing said:
All I meant by MP4 was 'the next metroid installment'

There is going to be more metroid games, arent there? I might die if there is no more metroid...

Im very sure, that is mostly likely the last MP series we will ever see grace the nintendo!
But, after MP is over, what about Samus Aran, they must be thinking of doing something after the MP series is over!
Who wants to see (and fight) a 3d Kraid in the next Metroid series?

Some more questions:
Has Nintendo hinted at what the name of the next series will be?
Has Nintendo hinted at what time period the next series will take place in?
CaseyCor said:
Bullshit. Using that logic, we can just say that NO FPS'S WILL EVER BE REVOLUTIONARY BECAUSE IT"S BEEN DONE BEFORE. Thats a VERY ignorant thing to say.
Eh, no it isnt. What your saying is bullshit. Using a Guncon 2 you can move and shoot due to the D-pad on the gun. What your saying is even though games like Far Cry and Medal of Honor do the same thing MP3 does, they will be completely forgotten and MP3 will be the first to do everything with the wiimote for FPS. Thats very naive of you.

Will it 'revolutionize' FPS's? No. If Red Steel, Far Cry, Elebits and Medal of Honer didnt 'revolutionize' FPS's, neither will MP3.
GamerCon said:
Will it 'revolutionize' FPS's? No. If Red Steel, Far Cry, Elebits and Medal of Honer didnt 'revolutionize' FPS's, neither will MP3.
Another great deduction...Yah know why that is a dumb-ass comment? Because I would be willing to bet that Ninty spent more time on MP3 than they did all those games combined.
Ok, it will have better controls and looks. I dont remember better controls and looks being revolutionary.
And what DO you consider to be revolutionary? When speaking in terms of the Wii, we have had very few games that used the controls to their full potential, and therefore, controls will play a huge role in whether this game is revolutionary or not.

Anyone have any answers to my questions? Or a link?
There are claims that Halo revolutionized console FPSs, but the same logic applies. It built from what other console FPSs have done and made the controls better.
Online play, thats revolutionary. Being able to save is revolutionary but just because they make it able to save and play online doesnt make it revolutionary now cause its already been done. Just because they started using memory cards doesnt make it a revolution, it was just a good idea. Just because they went from carts to CD's doesnt make it a revolution, it was just a good idea.

If what your saying were to make sense, everything is a revolution. Any game that utilizes a controller properly makes it a revolution. Thats a lot of revolutions for one console.
Firstly, Levesque is entirely correct. Metroid NEEDS online to challenge as one of the greats of it's generation.

GamerCon, you've misunderstand what I meant be 'revolutionary'. Revolutionary is not always the first. For example, the game that 'revolutionised' RTS's was Command and Conquer. Was it the first of it's kind? Hell no, Dune 2 had been out for years. What made CnC the revolutionary title was that the masses picket it up, played it and made it the standard setter. After all, in a literal sense that is what a revolution is - change from below; change because a mass of people made it that way. Thus, it does not need to be the first game to use Wii controls, it needs to be the first game to take off because of them.

Regardless of how good they make these controls though they will need to be online. Online multiplayer really is the key component to modern gaming. Single player storylines still have a place but what make games last an age is competitive, online play - "eSports" if you were, like Counter Strike on the PC. Another example of a game that most certainly wasn't the first keyboard and mouse FPS but was the first one to really take off in a massive, massive way online in a competitive sense.
GamerCon said:
Online play, thats revolutionary. Being able to save is revolutionary but just because they make it able to save and play online doesnt make it revolutionary now cause its already been done. Just because they started using memory cards doesnt make it a revolution, it was just a good idea. Just because they went from carts to CD's doesnt make it a revolution, it was just a good idea.

If what your saying were to make sense, everything is a revolution. Any game that utilizes a controller properly makes it a revolution. Thats a lot of revolutions for one console.
You never answered my question...If everything that you say isnt a revolution, than what IS?

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