Metroid Prime 3 revolutionary?

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I know Red Steel beat it to the punch, and remember how great people thought that was gonna be? Turns out it got mixed reviews (alot of reviewers were "dissappointed"), so I'm still holding out for what's considered a "great" shooter. Corruption will have the hype of Red Steel, but i think it'll actually deliver. Red Steel woulda been considered **** if it weren't for the Wiimote, but Corruption and other shooters will be scary fun when you consider that they'll be fun by themselves and even moreso thanks to the Wiimote.

And why is SSBB going to be revolutionary? I know it'll be fun, but what's gonna make someone switch systems for it?
guitarguy9 said:
And why is SSBB going to be revolutionary? I know it'll be fun, but what's gonna make someone switch systems for it?

In fact SSBB is ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY. It is bad for the video game industry because it teaches everyone to keep rehashing the same game over and over again adding a new character or new level instead of coming up with something new.

I threw up in my mouth a little.
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ciper said:
In fact SSBB is ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY. It is bad for the video game industry because it teaches everyone to keep rehashing the same game over and over again adding a new character or new level instead of coming up with something new.

I threw up in my mouth a little.

Haha, is that sarcasm or not? Either way, i gotta reiterate that i love Super Smash Bros., i just don't think PS3 lovers are gonna see what we see in it. They'd say "Where's the graphics?" And we'd scream "GAMEPLAY IS MORE IMPORTANT!" 360ers would say "Cool, what can it do online?", and we'd say "well, we dont really know ye... GAMEPLAY IS MORE IMPORTANT!" Neither of them would really get it, at least i dont think they would.

Now our future shooter games... the gameplay should be so much better than the competition that even the biggest Wii haters cant ignore how much fun shooting with the Wiimote is. At least that's my opinion, that shooters will be so much better on the Wii that "real gamers" will take notice.
guitarguy9 said:
Haha, is that sarcasm or not? Either way, i gotta reiterate that i love Super Smash Bros., i just don't think PS3 lovers are gonna see what we see in it. They'd say "Where's the graphics?" And we'd scream "GAMEPLAY IS MORE IMPORTANT!"

Not sarcasm. I am completely serious. Making continuous sequels with minor changes and charging full price combined with rabid fans who will pre-purchase the game sets us all up for failure.
The proof is in this forum - look at the number of threads regarding the damn game already even with such little information. It is the members of this forum and the kids like them that prevent cool games from being released for the system (like when the first Katamari was released).

If Nintendo released dog **** shaped like SSBB characters most members of this forum would have a full set preordered.
SSBB will be the halo of Wii. It is gonna have the most people online and its never gonna die until the next SSB comes out. Metroid.....ends when u pass the game.
SuppaRoy said:
SSBB will be the halo of Wii. It is gonna have the most people online and its never gonna die until the next SSB comes out. Metroid.....ends when u pass the game.
Just to play devils advocate

Did Halo end when you beat the game?
I think Metroid will be AMAZING!!

But it doesnt have a chance against Halo 3 or SSBB if it doesnt have online mutiplayer. Period.
Just like to point out that i'll be buying MP3 ^^

On a side note - i dont know if anyone has thought of this but wouldn't it be possible for nintendo to update Mp3 to have some kind of multiplayer? Kinda like SSBB being able to get updates through wiiconnect24 (or so i've read)...

What you guys/gals think?
Metroid prime is the best game ever! it owns any other game easy...any other game....!! omg im getting 3 when it comes out i have 1 and 2 and best them both tons of times hard mode too and the first one in 6hours... metroid prime will p00n all other FPS!!!!! w00t for MP3!!! w00t for Wii- best console ever made!!! cant wait till i get mine!!!

myWiifuture said:
Metroid prime is the best game ever! it owns any other game easy...any other game....!! omg im getting 3 when it comes out i have 1 and 2 and best them both tons of times hard mode too and the first one in 6hours... metroid prime will p00n all other FPS!!!!! w00t for MP3!!! w00t for Wii- best console ever made!!! cant wait till i get mine!!!

Shaddup and speak properly! Take your riddalin as well. :O

Well now, this game seems worth it. Will it be multi-/online like Hunters? That'll add to its worth, but remember people, online isn't the biggest thing to look for. :yesnod: P.S.____________________________ _______________________^--------^
_______________________|<->---<->|<Let us hope that Metroid will be as good as this ADHD ____________________(''')|____^____|(''') ridden person says it will be>
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Dont get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the metroid series.

Without online gaming, metroid will be far from revolutionary. Not only will gamers from different consoles see it as 'just another nintendo one player game, new wii gamers wont be impressed by it either.

You can say whatever you want, but online gaming IS the future, and it is the only way to impress gamers these days.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Dont get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the metroid series.

Without online gaming, metroid will be far from revolutionary. Not only will gamers from different consoles see it as 'just another nintendo one player game, new wii gamers wont be impressed by it either.

You can say whatever you want, but online gaming IS the future, and it is the only way to impress gamers these days.

Oh, I agree, but if your internet crashes then whaddya do if one players unfun?
Or when a friend comes over. Normal multi gonna be unimpressive? Look, Nintys gotta stay fun while making good use of online. A game with good graphics(which Wii dun have) and good online feels like an empty shell to me without a good solid one player story/mode. Online is good, but dun forget that you should be able to play one player. I only play free online games on my comp F' YOU P2P!!!!! :mad5: F' YOU WoW!:ciappa: One player still rules!!! I do think console online is worth a bit more though and I hope Metroid is online so dun get me wrong. Its just not THE MOST IMPORTANT factor of a game. :)
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ciper said:
In fact SSBB is ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY. It is bad for the video game industry because it teaches everyone to keep rehashing the same game over and over again adding a new character or new level instead of coming up with something new.

I threw up in my mouth a little.

nah it's sorta revolutionary due to finalsmash, and crawling and what not. what really was anti-recolutionary was mario aprty 8, only 6 friggen maps and they all suck,

another comlaint about the game(sorta off topic): i do not think that boo, dry bones, hammer bro or blooper should be playable characters,

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