Metroid Prime 3 revolutionary?

Monsteroids said:
Oh, I agree, but if your internet crashes then whaddya do if one players unfun?
Or when a friend comes over. Normal multi gonna be unimpressive? Look, Nintys gotta stay fun while making good use of online. A game with good graphics(which Wii dun have) and good online feels like an empty shell to me without a good solid one player story/mode. Online is good, but dun forget that you should be able to play one player. I only play free online games on my comp F' YOU P2P!!!!! :mad5: F' YOU WoW!:ciappa: One player still rules!!! I do think console online is worth a bit more though and I hope Metroid is online so dun get me wrong. Its just not THE MOST IMPORTANT factor of a game. :)
Did I say anything about NOT including one player or multiplayer? I didnt think so...

Obviously they are important, but I think you can agree that they are not nearly as important as online gameplay is in this time period
MP3 has all the chance in the world to be "revolutionary". Nintendo needs that killer FPS for the Wii still, and this could very well be it. Far Cry and Red Steel paved the way, but were no where near as good as MP3 looks. Plus, Metroid is the **** in general. I'm a HUGE Halo fan (Play H2 every night on XBOXLIVE), but Metroid is just better in terms of story and gameplay. MP1 had absolutly BEAUTIFUL and well thought out enviorments to travel to and through. Halo has a great story, but I just prefer Metroids story better..something about the atmosphere is just amazing.

I also agree that SSBB is "anti-revoltionary." It's NOTHING DIFFERENT. A bunch of famous 1st and 3rd party characters fighing each other on small worlds based on the characters native enviorments. Woo ****ing hoo. I'm not saying it's not going to be a great game, because it definatly is. It's just not anything new. But also, we don't really NEED anything new with these games. They can continue to use this formula and produce high quality games all they want. And with using WiiConnect24, we can get new levels and other content easy and cheaply, which will keep the game fresh for a LONG time.
I still disagree. With lack of online gameplay, Metroid Prime 3 will impress no one except those of us that played Prime 1 and 2. Why? Simply because NO ONE ELSE WILL BUY IT.

Gamer's these days are not satisfied with one player and multiplayer. They need to know that they are going to get not just weeks or months, but years of gameplay out of a game before they spend their hard-earned cash on it.

Im hoping that MP3 will get the series some hype from non-nintendo/metroid gamers, and then more people will buy MP4, which will be online, and then, and ONLY then, will the series take off as one of the best gaming series' of its generation.
CaseyCor said:
MP3 has all the chance in the world to be "revolutionary".
No it doesnt, it cant. Since its already been done it will only have better and smoother controls.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I still disagree. With lack of online gameplay, Metroid Prime 3 will impress no one except those of us that played Prime 1 and 2. Why? Simply because NO ONE ELSE WILL BUY IT.

Gamer's these days are not satisfied with one player and multiplayer. They need to know that they are going to get not just weeks or months, but years of gameplay out of a game before they spend their hard-earned cash on it.

Im hoping that MP3 will get the series some hype from non-nintendo/metroid gamers, and then more people will buy MP4, which will be online, and then, and ONLY then, will the series take off as one of the best gaming series' of its generation.

However, who has said that MP3 isn't going to be online? If SSBB is going to be I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't make MP3 online as well.
^nothing has been confirmed, but its safe to say that there will be no online multiplayer.

There is, however, a rumor that mp3 will use wiiconnect24 to allow players to download updates for the game (eg additional maps, weapons, etc.), but imo, this will not keep many people's interest in the game.

If they used wiiconnect24 to update the online multiplayer, however, that would be simply amazing.


Could Ninty use WiiConnect24 to eventually add online gameplay to the game? Would that be too big of an update? I think that this might be what they are planning. They want to add it, but they dont want to delay the game any further, so theyre hoping they can get online running a few months after the game is released.

guitarguy9 said:
Ya, because comparisons to ancient video games are completely relevant.

I really don't care about your arguments at all, but I feel compelled to add that that was possibly the most ignorant thing I have ever read and you should be ashamed of yourself. With that said, you must be like 9 if you think 1995 is "ancient". As far as I'm concerned, there are no ancient video games because that would require them to be, oh, let's say 2000 year old. Roughly.
Wow, your so cool because you take everything literally.

Go back to second grade and learn how to use sarcasm.
GamerCon said:
No it doesnt, it cant. Since its already been done it will only have better and smoother controls.
Bullshit. Using that logic, we can just say that NO FPS'S WILL EVER BE REVOLUTIONARY BECAUSE IT"S BEEN DONE BEFORE. Thats a VERY ignorant thing to say.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I still disagree. With lack of online gameplay, Metroid Prime 3 will impress no one except those of us that played Prime 1 and 2. Why? Simply because NO ONE ELSE WILL BUY IT.

Gamer's these days are not satisfied with one player and multiplayer. They need to know that they are going to get not just weeks or months, but years of gameplay out of a game before they spend their hard-earned cash on it.

Im hoping that MP3 will get the series some hype from non-nintendo/metroid gamers, and then more people will buy MP4, which will be online, and then, and ONLY then, will the series take off as one of the best gaming series' of its generation.

You know i could've sworn that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was going to be the last game in the series!!!

Did i miss something?
B/c i didnt know MP4 was coming out!:shocked:
CyanRussel said:
You know i could've sworn that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was going to be the last game in the series!!!

Did i miss something?
B/c i didnt know MP4 was coming out!:shocked:
Yes, you are correct. Metroid Prime is a trilogy. He was simply using MP4 as an example of the game being more successful if it had online, which is a VERY valid and strong agument.
All I meant by MP4 was 'the next metroid installment'

There is going to be more metroid games, arent there? I might die if there is no more metroid...
LevesqueIsKing said:
Wow, your so cool because you take everything literally.

Go back to second grade and learn how to use sarcasm.
First off, they don't teach sarcasm in second grade. Consequently, revisiting it wouldn't help me at all...
Secondly, I don't take everything literally; and when I do it's usually just to piss people off (see above)
Thirdly, maybe if you understood the functions of proper syntax, grammar, and tone then people would be able to correctly read your writing.

Now, it is not my intention to start some sort of stupid internet English war, so I'm going to drop the subject of your keyboarding inadequacies. Have a nice day.

(School's out, I'm living it up)
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LevesqueIsKing said:
All I meant by MP4 was 'the next metroid installment'

There is going to be more metroid games, arent there? I might die if there is no more metroid...
I'm sure there will be more (I ****ing hope so!), but they won't be in the Metroid Prime series. I'm hoping for a new 2-D game!

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