"Masterpieces" - Eff You Nintendo

woud you prefer it if they dident put and masterpices in? and their not meant to be played their meant to give people a glimpse into the origins of the characters
They pushed the game back so many months.. the least they can do is give you the game for free. It doesn't cost them anything. They are not losing money, they just aren't gaining it...
yeah. when i was playin f-zero, it said 40 secs, it ACTUALLY lasted for 18. i played it once and it ended so quickly i timed it.
Bigred: a penny saved is a penny earned and the opisite is also true a penny unerend is a penny lost
malnin said:
Bigred: a penny saved is a penny earned and the opisite is also true a penny unerend is a penny lost

not necessarily. not everyone was going to buy it... and theyre making so much profit on those discs... it dispicable
Stevwen said:
Now before the hate mail comes flying my way.. Let me Splain.
I love Nintendo, I love SSBB, and I think I'll be playing it for Years.

However that doesn't mean that I'm not going to give Nintendo the Big Middle Finger right now, because this **** is just weak.

Trial versions for the masterpieces? You mean I can play Donkey Kong for an entire 40 seconds!? Wowzer! Thank you Nintendo! I'm so glad you let me experience that 30 seconds of joy and wonder, and I'm SO very glad that I managed to unlock that particular bonus.

Now I know some people may think I'm being nitpicky, but if you're going to include an 8 bit game as a bonus on Brawl, why the hell can't it be the full version? Don't even try and tell me there isn't room for the entire Super Mario Bros. Game on the Brawl disc, because I know for a fact they could include about 300 copies of it and not have any worries.

So why didn't they? because Nintendo wants you to pay 500 Points for it ($5 US)

So in other words, Nintendo only allows you to play for a minute, because they don't want to lose that 5 dollars from you, the loyal consumer, who bought their $50 game.

Greedy. Greedy. Greedy.

And thats all I have to say about that.


i think i love you now for that post

i hate how they include a 40 second or 1 minute trials, seriously thats just gay, they should of just left it out

now, i think they main reason for not adding a full version is because 1, yes nintendo wants money and 2, because if they add full version games to ssbb, it may take a lot of time away from you playing ssbb, and thats not what they want
zapasant93 said:
i think i love you now for that post

i hate how they include a 40 second or 1 minute trials, seriously thats just gay, they should of just left it out

now, i think they main reason for not adding a full version is because 1, yes nintendo wants money and 2, because if they add full version games to ssbb, it may take a lot of time away from you playing ssbb, and thats not what they want

Not even! They were generous enough to put it in, so be grateful. Would you rather no Master Pieces?

They are definitely not going to put the full version because :

-It takes up too much space.
-They already have it on VC, so people who had already bought them would be outraged.
-The MasterPieces are not for beating, they are for seeing where there characters come from and their origins.
-You payed to play Brawl, not 5 other games.

You said that if they add full version games to SSBB, it may take a lot of time away from you playing SSBB, and thats not what they want.

Wtf? They don't care if you play SSBB for 1 minute, or 1 year! As long as you buy the game they don't give a s*** on how much you play the game, as long as you payed for it.
Sparx said:
Not even! They were generous enough to put it in, so be grateful. Would you rather no Master Pieces?

They are definitely not going to put the full version because :

-It takes up too much space.
-They already have it on VC, so people who had already bought them would be outraged.
-The MasterPieces are not for beating, they are for seeing where there characters come from and their origins.
-You payed to play Brawl, not 5 other games.

You said that if they add full version games to SSBB, it may take a lot of time away from you playing SSBB, and thats not what they want.

Wtf? They don't care if you play SSBB for 1 minute, or 1 year! As long as you buy the game they don't give a s*** on how much you play the game, as long as you payed for it.

thats crazy, thik about it, you cant just think present, you have to think future, if you stop playing ssbb for those games, the public will much faster forget about the true game in the cd, and they will start nagging a lat sooner for a new smash bros game.

they care twice as much that you pay for the game, but its important for them that you actually play it. in another note, if you play the game and find out how freaking amazingly awesome it is, then the person who plays it will tell another person to buy it, and they tell another person,and so starts a chain of reaction, thus giving nintendo free advertizing and even more money

so your wrong, yes they NEED you to play the game aswell

and honestly, i wouldnt die without masterpieces, and why would i be grateful for a 40 second game when i can get the whole damn thing
Playing the Master Pieces isnt going to stop your from playing SSBB...
full version will

for example, people whove never played for say star fox, they will get hooked on that game like kids on caffeinne, and if its a full version....look out cause they wont stop till they beat it cause that game is addictive

and if they are being busy playing that, they will go on to the next game and get hooked on that

thus taking away from the awesomeness of brawl
Yeah...so why are you mad that they didnt put it in when your saying they shouldnt...?
pfft are you crazy, ide love to have full version games on there, everyone would

but it'd be stupid to do that, thus i think they shouldn do that

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