For all those happy Nintendo made Brawl!

Brawl is fantastic. It can give you hundreds of hours of playing time, which is rediculous. I've played 18 hours and didn't even beat all the events yet...
So muhc more than I expected. I love brawl! The only thing that I don't get, is that Nintendo didn't take advantage of the Wii's Abilities. Not that I'm complaining, but i think they could have used the pointing ability of the Wiimote a little...

My Rating of Brawl 11/10
Nothing to complain about here, Smash was everything I hoped it would be. Just one thing: Ridley as a character, I would have loved to see that SO much. But the game is still supercalafragilisti-fantastical, so it's fine.
I love Brawl, it's the only game on the Wii, other than Wii Sports, that my Xbox 360 Fanboy friends will tolerate. I love all aspects of Brawl, lag is gone for me and I just got done playing 1 on 1 with this kid for about 2 hours! I love Brawl so much, and if your an active online player PM me.
I love brawl.
I only bought the wii for brawl (and to play with my gf), not in that order:smilewinkgrin:
Everything else is just bonus for me.
So all you west coast/pacific time zone heads and if the lag isn't too bad for all others, holla at me.

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