"Masterpieces" - Eff You Nintendo

CrowTRobot said:
Yes, it's horrifying that Nintendo would include free demos of its products in an effort to increase sales like any successful business would do.

You know some DVDs include movie trailers for other films made by the same studio. JUST THE TRAILER!?!?!? OMG DVDs can fit so much stuff on them just give us the whole movie.

Nice analogy.
The master pieces are put in there for you to know where the character come from, and perhaps where some of their moves come from. They're just demo, meant for you to get an understanding of the character, if you happen to like it then buy it on VC. If not then don't, I don't see the point of complaining on free demos.. that's like what Crow's saying complaining of trailers in DVDs :x
yeah that was lame... at least give us a good 5 minutes... mann another dumb thing is that... IT LOADS LONG! xD
Stevwen said:
Now before the hate mail comes flying my way.. Let me Splain.
I love Nintendo, I love SSBB, and I think I'll be playing it for Years.

However that doesn't mean that I'm not going to give Nintendo the Big Middle Finger right now, because this **** is just weak.

Trial versions for the masterpieces? You mean I can play Donkey Kong for an entire 40 seconds!? Wowzer! Thank you Nintendo! I'm so glad you let me experience that 30 seconds of joy and wonder, and I'm SO very glad that I managed to unlock that particular bonus.

Now I know some people may think I'm being nitpicky, but if you're going to include an 8 bit game as a bonus on Brawl, why the hell can't it be the full version? Don't even try and tell me there isn't room for the entire Super Mario Bros. Game on the Brawl disc, because I know for a fact they could include about 300 copies of it and not have any worries.

So why didn't they? because Nintendo wants you to pay 500 Points for it ($5 US)

So in other words, Nintendo only allows you to play for a minute, because they don't want to lose that 5 dollars from you, the loyal consumer, who bought their $50 game.

Greedy. Greedy. Greedy.

And thats all I have to say about that.


Ok, obviously people are missing the purpose of these masterpieces. This may not be the true purpose but I felt masterpieces were an excellent addition to the game. I grew up playing NES, SNES, and N64 as well as consoles after those. I understand where each character originates from but most children won't know exactly why he/she was including in the game with an exception to the fact that the character is a part of nintendo. Masterpieces show just a bit of each characters history. Not only that, it gives you a taste of whether or not a game is worth the $5.00.

As far as Nintendo being greedy, well the same can be applied to you as well. The $50 bucks goes towards Brawl. Why should Nintendo just give everything away? Not to mention the amount of masterpieces on the game. If they gave you each entire game, and that was for each sale, it would be millions upon millions of lost dollars that could potentially be in their pocket. Each of those games are worth the $5 or $10 dollars if you really want it, put forth the money and pay for it.
i think master pieces are a complete waste of space. I was expecting a mini game like arcade style feature similar to the way nintendo had classics in animal crossing.
Marketing is all we can say about this masterpieces...a tantalizing taste of what you could be experiencing.
It doesn't really bother me, most of them I have downloaded anyways.
No one is saying you need to play or buy them, its just a simple addition, perhaps it is a good marketing ploy.

Its not that bad though.
yeah i mean if you were intrested in one of these games playing a little would be helpful in your desicion
Sparx said:
Dude...that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard someone say on WiiChat.

Of course they aren't going to put all the movies into one they split it into 3 sequels unless you want to see a 9 hour long movie. If you were in their place you would do the same.
Dude...you didn't understand what I said.

I said, and let me turn the volume up here, OTHER MOVIES BY THE SAME STUDIO. Like a trailer for Indiana Jones on a Star Wars DVD.
It was perfect for me, cuz I had to choose between Metroid and Kid Icarus and I chose Metroid.
meh. if you havent played most of what theyre giving you demos for where have you been? that and id rather play most of the original games using the original systems and original controls. its a nostalgic thing.
Lugia said:
meh. if you havent played most of what theyre giving you demos for where have you been? that and id rather play most of the original games using the original systems and original controls. its a nostalgic thing.

Where I've been when the originals came out??

Buddy...I was still an itsy bitsy sperm back then.

Brb- Gonna eat some soup.
Stevwen, you make more god damn sense than any one else on this forum. Bill Gates and Ken Kutagari (of Microsoft and Sony, respectively) should walk right up to ol' Satoru's house and knock him right the **** out.
Stevwen said:
Now before the hate mail comes flying my way.. Let me Splain.
I love Nintendo, I love SSBB, and I think I'll be playing it for Years.

However that doesn't mean that I'm not going to give Nintendo the Big Middle Finger right now, because this **** is just weak.

Trial versions for the masterpieces? You mean I can play Donkey Kong for an entire 40 seconds!? Wowzer! Thank you Nintendo! I'm so glad you let me experience that 30 seconds of joy and wonder, and I'm SO very glad that I managed to unlock that particular bonus.

Now I know some people may think I'm being nitpicky, but if you're going to include an 8 bit game as a bonus on Brawl, why the hell can't it be the full version? Don't even try and tell me there isn't room for the entire Super Mario Bros. Game on the Brawl disc, because I know for a fact they could include about 300 copies of it and not have any worries.

So why didn't they? because Nintendo wants you to pay 500 Points for it ($5 US)

So in other words, Nintendo only allows you to play for a minute, because they don't want to lose that 5 dollars from you, the loyal consumer, who bought their $50 game.

Greedy. Greedy. Greedy.

And thats all I have to say about that.


The length of the demo is a legit complaint, but if youre gonna sit here and say nintendo actually should have included full games youre insane. why would they give up all the cash of you buying off the VC per brawl copy? its not greedy, its business. although 30 and 40 second demos are weak as hell.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. I mean, can you blame them?

If you thought you'd be getting 15 free games [that Nintendo just so happens to be making a fortune of off]with your purchase of Brawl than you shouldn't look too hard for a career in business.

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