MaRiO StRiKeRs ChArGeD : Whos Your Team : And Find A Match

Wow, I'm surprised so many people use Waluigi. I just got the game 2 days ago and he's definitely my favorite. If only they didn't keep calling you a cheater all cup:)
Hammer Bro
Dry Bones
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  • #49
Lol yeah i just think he is overall the best
i mean

hes so fast. his tackle lenght is huge
and his mega strike meter bars are bigger than most other peoples.

But one major downside his special defense thingy sucks IMO
But his special item move WALL-uigi is amazing
daviduk200 said:
Lol yeah i just think he is overall the best
i mean

hes so fast. his tackle lenght is huge
and his mega strike meter bars are bigger than most other peoples.

But one major downside his special defense thingy sucks IMO
But his special item move WALL-uigi is amazing
yeah,people on wi-fi use that all the time!i get so pissed!
most of all when they turn of the power when they are losing
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  • #51
oh yeah quitters spoil it for everyone i h8 there guts i want them dead (lol to harsh)
daviduk200 said:
oh yeah quitters spoil it for everyone i h8 there guts i want them dead (lol to harsh)
yeah i know,me too!!i was winnin glikw 12-1 and the guy quit!i was soooo pissed!man,just had it happen to me so many times!
Just get used to the quitting guys, people do it all the time. It is cheap though, I agree.

I don't think people realize how much better dry bones is than hammer bros. Hammer Bros deke is sooo easy to defend, and it can't score. Just charge up the ball and then use Dry Bones deke within the huge range, and it's a goal. His charge shot charges up really fast, and it's almost always in if you lob shot it. I play with a Toad, 2 Dry Bones, and DK. Speed with side kicks makes up for the extreme power on lob shots I have with DK.
daviduk200 said:
never played baseball was it good?
oh yes,it was very and my dad would play all the time.he hates it when i get a home run with donkey kong!:lol:
my team is..

Princess - captain
Drybones - back defense
Boo- offense
hammer bros. - offensive

i switched koopa for hammer bros. it made my team a ton better
sry for the double post.