Mario & Sonic coming christmas 07!!!!!!! **TRAILER**

No, just another folly game. The excitement is all from Mario being in a Sonic game. Nintendo's drollery is evident in the video, and so is SEGA's desperation.

I hate how horrible gaming concepts, bad voice overs, poor development, and bad managment has destroyed Sonic games. Sonic Team needs Yuji Naka back, and a round of clarity in the form of a smack to the face. Mario has been on an even road. His gaming concepts play well into his charecter. The very fact that Nintendo puts Mario in a race with Sonic and allows him the chance to win, and puts this in the form of game, is Nintendo's way of kicking dirt in the Sonic franchis' eyes.
I am very dissapointed.
Tails McCloud~ said:
No, just another folly game. The excitement is all from Mario being in a Sonic game. Nintendo's drollery is evident in the video, and so is SEGA's desperation. .

You must have gotten some good playing time in on this game to make these allegations.
vagrant said:
You must have gotten some good playing time in on this game to make these allegations.
You've used this tactic with someone in your thread before.
No, this is my, "at first glance"
Do you see anything "good" or "fun" coming from this game? I dont. Personnaly, im a Sonic fan. And its from a fan that has every Sonic game (except 3) that this can come from. I honestly beleive in capitolismic forms in gaming. Would you play this (going off of from what you know about it) Or Gears of War? I would go with Gears. If it means staying in the past with games, I may just stick with success and only play MegaDrive Sonic games and SNES Mario games. You?
Tails McCloud~ said:
You've used this tactic with someone in your thread before.
No, this is my, "at first glance"
Do you see anything "good" or "fun" coming from this game? I dont. Personnaly, im a Sonic fan. And its from a fan that has every Sonic game (except 3) that this can come from. I honestly beleive in capitolismic forms in gaming. Would you play this (going off of from what you know about it) Or Gears of War? I would go with Gears. If it means staying in the past with games, I may just stick with success and only play MegaDrive Sonic games and SNES Mario games. You?

Ya it's that smooth "point out their unintelligent assumption" "tactic." I learned it working for the CIA. I don't know what capitolismic means, is it a new word?

And what does Gears of War have to do with anything? This is just a game Nintendo and Sega wanted to put out for the 2008 olympics.

Maybe your problem is that you make the dumbest possible comparisons.
vagrant said:
Ya it's that smooth "point out their unintelligent assumption" "tactic." I learned it working for the CIA. I don't know what capitolismic means, is it a new word?

And what does Gears of War have to do with anything? This is just a game Nintendo and Sega wanted to put out for the 2008 olympics.

Maybe your problem is that you make the dumbest possible comparisons.
Or maybe you'r just a jackass who likes to try and sound superior...
I dont care about your opinion towards my opinion. I put mine up, and left it at that. And yes, ill be that simple-minded about it.
i just want to play it cause i like all mario sport titles....

mario's the MAN

and this is different sports in one

kinda like wii sports, but i expect more detail in it

have a feeling this game is going to be kick-ass
Tails McCloud~ said:
Or maybe you'r just a jackass who likes to try and sound superior...
I dont care about your opinion towards my opinion. I put mine up, and left it at that. And yes, ill be that simple-minded about it.

No one forced you to respond to my opinion of your "opinion"
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mushroomedmario said:
i just want to play it cause i like all mario sport titles....

mario's the MAN

and this is different sports in one

kinda like wii sports, but i expect more detail in it

have a feeling this game is going to be kick-ass
i know dude. too bad it comes out christmas. since its releases on christmas day, its gonna be hard to go to the store and see if theres any copys left because my family celebrates christmas until midnight. thats when we get to open the presents, so i dont think my parents will wanna wake up on christmas day to drive me to the store in the morning when they jus got done partying. :lol:
Tails McCloud~ said:
No, just another folly game. The excitement is all from Mario being in a Sonic game. Nintendo's drollery is evident in the video, and so is SEGA's desperation.

I hate how horrible gaming concepts, bad voice overs, poor development, and bad management has destroyed Sonic games. Sonic Team needs Yuji Naka back, and a round of clarity in the form of a smack to the face. Mario has been on an even road. His gaming concepts play well into his character. The very fact that Nintendo puts Mario in a race with Sonic and allows him the chance to win, and puts this in the form of game, is Nintendo's way of kicking dirt in the Sonic franchise's eyes.
I am very disappointed.

Nice attempt to sound smart. I corrected errors in your post.
As I always say, "If you have to look at a thesaurus to sound smart, you're not smart!"

It looks like a mediocre game, maybe a good one. They wouldn't give it so much hype if it was just a money-milker.
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
i know dude. too bad it comes out christmas. since its releases on christmas day, its gonna be hard to go to the store and see if theres any copys left because my family celebrates christmas until midnight. thats when we get to open the presents, so i dont think my parents will wanna wake up on christmas day to drive me to the store in the morning when they jus got done partying. :lol:

Are you that daft? No game is going to launch on December 25th.
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Wade said:

Are you that daft? No game is going to launch on December 25th.
ummmmmmm.......hello!!! did you not pay attention to the end of the trailer?? COMING CHRISTMAS 2007.

um........ when is CHRISTMAS??? DECEMBER 25th!!!!!!

what makes you think no game is gonna release on DECEMBER 25th??

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