New Monster Hunter 3 Trailer


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2007
South Jordan, Utah
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Plus an unconfirmed US release date!

Those lucky Japanese will soon be able to get their hands on Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~), as the game's Japanese release date of August 1st is now less than four weeks away, and Capcom are really stepping up the game's media assault with a new trailer launched within the past few days.

Combining the game's ever-impressive CGI intro with in-game footage of brand new monsters, areas and the underwater elements, this latest trailer should get your hunter's blood pumping if you're a fan of monsters, hunting or simply the prospect of a fantastic online hardcore title. It also shows off some more of little acorn-headed Chacha's role in the game, as he burrows into the ground to produce... a barbecue spit?! There's also interesting titbits for MH veterans to pick over - Felynes working the fields, different-coloured Rathalos and the sight of a huge Wyvern swallowing up the player's boat. Could this mean the series' first battle inside a monster?

Although there's no cast-iron release date yet available for the game in the West, rumours have started surfacing that the title will hit North American machines next March. There's no official confirmation from Capcom or Nintendo, so for now treat this as unconfirmed rumour and nothing more. Still, at least watching this trailer will bring its release a few minutes closer.
Yeah I found that on youtube yesterday telling my friend about the game. I watched it like 6 times in a row haha. I was hoping it would come to America before the end of the year, March is so long to wait :( At least its coming I guess.
I think MH3'll come out SOON. My in-law works at a near by cd/dvd company that prints/ships/packages games/dvds/blu-rays/cds and he says that a big order from Japan was made and he they don't even know what it is. My guess is MH3 or since he said that it's release is like in a 3-4 weeks i also guessed that it could be wiisports 2 since it comes out on the 26th.
Yes, killer trailer!!!

This game and Shiren3 are early 2010 and will keep me busy until the next Zelda & Metroid games come out.

In the immediate future(aug/sept) I am getting Metroid Prime Trilogy and Muramasa!
I think MH3'll come out SOON. My in-law works at a near by cd/dvd company that prints/ships/packages games/dvds/blu-rays/cds and he says that a big order from Japan was made and he they don't even know what it is. My guess is MH3 or since he said that it's release is like in a 3-4 weeks i also guessed that it could be wiisports 2 since it comes out on the 26th.

Its probably Wii Sports if anything. There's no way its MH3 its not even out in Japan till August.
It looks too good not to be published in NA. Though... next March.....oh well, can't complain if the rumor proved somewhat true.

The boss battles look awesome. d-_-b

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