Mario And Sonic at the olympics? are we Interested?

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  • #76
one thing (soz 4 double post but) what is the pink hedgehogs name again?
everyone always says "mario has no chance" HOWEVER

mario has some experience going at fast speeds(mario kart)

and in super mario world and mario bros 3, do any of you remember how fast you were running when you were right about to fly?

pretty fast

so mario's speed is under-rated...

now sonic's speed is over-rated

in all sonic games do you just take off? no

you have to gather speed as you go, this sometimes could take a while

do in sn 80 m dash i think mario could win

also in mario sport games, he's just average speed... peach is usually faster than him so wouldn't that mean that she has an even better chance against sonic?

and to end this post here is a comic...

-davidduck, her name is amy i believe
daviduk200 said:
one thing (soz 4 double post but) what is the pink hedgehogs name again?
Amy Rose
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  • #79
thnx i thought it was amy but my bro said it wasnt lol i was right
i personnly think Mario ca school sonic in the olympics though. Mario has more EXPIRENCE with speed. i mean, Cmon.! hes flying and cutting through space, planet to planet. i think it would take mario the speed of light years to go that far in so little time.
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  • #83
yeah me niether thats why i hate it but a confirmation in brawl would have been 50X better
you know sa

david we might be twins i agree with every single thing youv said so far, and we have like same i nterests n everything
I think this game has the potential to be fun. I grew up on the NES and I remember one of the most fun games was track and field, not because the game was spectacularly fun solo but because it brought competing with your friends to a new level. By new level I mean it took a little bit of physical fitness to play the game with the pad and because of the physical aspect of the game play it made victory that much sweeter. It made beating your friends feel like you were actually better than than they were, which made it extremely fun to play and created a tension between players as they played.
I think that this game might have a similar feel to it and because of that I think it will be fun to play.

I also think that unlike other Olympic video games the fact that you will be playing as one of your favorite video game characters will make the game more appealing, give it a lighter feel and make it more fun to play. Just as Mario Kart is more fun to play than if it had the same game play only it used generic cars and weapons.

I think it will be similar to Wii sports in the fact that this game will be simple and fun to play with your friends. Now I don't know about you guys but my friends and I play Wii sports all the time and we get into it on a personal level and I thing my friends and I will be able to get into this game also. So I for one will be buying it.
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  • #87
yeah but, mario is also very fast, i mean when you sprint with mario, is very fast.

sonic was only really fast in his very original games, but then again mario in his 3d outings has also got slower
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  • #89
lool its side tracked a bit this thread lol,

but to be honest taking second looks at this game im not eve n gonna rent it

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