Mario And Sonic at the olympics? are we Interested?

MikemasterM1 said:
Why do we care whos faster Mario or Sonic when we all know Yoshi is the fastest. Hedgehogs can't run fast at all they crawl on the ground and a plumber is only good at unclogging my b-room toilet.

well in that case...yoshi is extinct, so he'd be a fossil. all he can do is power a car.
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but mario might miss the good ol days and start Riding yoshi slowing them both down lol
yoshi was brought back to life by a mad scientist and left the lab instead of being turned into fossil fuel. Yoshi broke out of the lab and went to the Galapagas Islands, which later became known as one island named Yoshi's Island after several Yoshi eggs were layed after the Yoshi ate a lot and met a Crocodile. Unfortunately, one extinct yoshi was used as fossil fuel, but like asdfghjkl said, that yoshi will make sonic and friends roadkill in that car.
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Yep i agree :) Little Kid in a Car:"Mommy, Mommy! There's hedgehogs, a fox, a crocodile, a bumble bee, an echidna, a fat man, and a bunch of other animals, anoying people, and robots in the road!" His Mom: " Lets floor it!" *rumbles and bumps were shaking the car(according to the kid)* They stop at the repair shop with popped tires and their car has a blue hedgehog on the dashboard. Mario: "Mamamia!" As he grabs Luigi, jumps out of the car's back seat because he let Peach drive with Toad in the front, and jumps into the sewer.
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I'm looking forward to Beijing 2008! I hope this game will be good, If it gets some good reviews I'll get it, i'm hoping itl be a bit like a revamped wii sports - but who knows.
Potentially this could be a much fleshed out version of Wii Sports. If that's the case it should be good. I'd certainly get it, I'm a massive Wii Sports fan myself.
if it wiisport with more sports and mario and sonic i'll get it
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  • #43
but its not gonna be like wii sports it will be like all the track events and ,javelin, shotputt discus, high jump n long jump if we are lucky that is,

if we are very lucky they might throw in swimming, diving.

but still sounds bad 2 me
well I've a little interest in this game
especially if it's really have online
then again at the same month
there will be Super Mario Galaxy and Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
so I think I'll pass
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  • #45
Iv decided i am going tooooo n rent this game and that is that

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