Mario 64 or wait for SMW?


WiiChat Member
Jan 16, 2007
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I never had Mario 64 for my n64, but I played SMW (on super mario allstars) over and over again on my snes. I'm in a bit of a predicament as I keep coming close to dl-ing Mario 64, but I can't make my mind up.

The only game I have so far is Sonic - which I love! I have 5200 points left to spend but don't want to waste :(

Hi btw :cornut:
elmo_999 said:
i say get both since you have quite a few points. i have mario 64 ds so i dont need to get it on vc. also get ice hockey for nes SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

ice hockey is the best game in the UNIVERSE. seriously. I played it for so many hours when I was a kid.
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Hehe ok, looks like I'm buying it then, thanks :cool:

(can't wait to race koopa up the hill!)
Deathmetalmaster said:
ice hockey is the best game in the UNIVERSE. seriously. I played it for so many hours when I was a kid.
my friend told me about when he played it as a kid so i downloaded it and its awesome. Why is canada green though?
it is defenently going to be a VC game.... in about a year... or 2...
so just buy the game for your n64 or get the one for the DS
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I'd recommend everyone NOT to download mario 64 if you have something important to do. I've been studying hard for an exam on Thursday and I downloaded this and spent 3 hours playing it :yikes: Before I realised how much time had passed.


Easily best VC game, beats sonic hands down (and I have that also).
You should get it, no hesitation, it is a fantastic game that will keep you hooked for ages. It may seem expensive, but it is worth it.

I myself haven't bought it, because I've only recently completed the DS version and my N64 is in perfect working order, however you are the prime candidate. It really is a fantastic game and a bit of history which everyone should experience in full.
phoenix07 said:
I'd recommend everyone NOT to download mario 64 if you have something important to do. I've been studying hard for an exam on Thursday and I downloaded this and spent 3 hours playing it :yikes: Before I realised how much time had passed.


Easily best VC game, beats sonic hands down (and I have that also).

Know the feeling. I have exams next week, but all I'm doing at the moment is playing Mario Sunshine and visiting sites like this!
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elmo_999 said:
i say get both since you have quite a few points. i have mario 64 ds so i dont need to get it on vc. also get ice hockey for nes SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

Super Mario 64 on the ds sucked for me. The controls were horrible. I suggest getting it on Wii.

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