About to purchase my first few VC, who agrees with these choices?

Get paper mario 64
And wait for mario Rpg (which is not out ****)
then you will have 200Points left but you can get another card soon
Bigjake52 said:
Get paper mario 64
And wait for mario Rpg (which is not out ****)
then you will have 200Points left but you can get another card soon

Yes those are the 2 best Nintendo game's Mario RPG and Paper Mario are AWESOME Paper Mario is Kind of a sequel to Mario RPG
Jangles said:
Yes those are the 2 best Nintendo game's Mario RPG and Paper Mario are AWESOME Paper Mario is Kind of a sequel to Mario RPG
MArio rpg does not have a sequel where is smithy in mario64??????????or that smithy is in mario thousand year door or super paper mario?

Super paper mario might be the sequel but far off and the 3rd party that helped nintendo are no longer working to gether. so they cant make a full sequel

But they are both the best games ever for n64 and snes

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