Many have had the RED LIGHTS


Me Wif My Boxing Glove!!!
Jan 28, 2007
Wii Online Code
how many of u have had 3 red lights on ur 360, indicating that the console isnt working properly. i was watching the news and a lot of ppl hav said that their consoles hav broken down and they have only had them 4 about a year or half a year:shocked:
only happens when my power goes out while im playing. ive had it freeze a handfull of times but other than that its working like a charm
yah its just like teh wii...just because you see reports of everyone throwing and letting go of their wiimotes, dosent mean everyone dose, its still the extreme minority,
all though M$ took note and xboxs now are much better and have been fixed and free of most bugs, just like how ninty released new wrist straps
Im on my second one which has lasted very well but to have the 3 red lights is not nice thing to see on yer console. Microsoft was very good at sorting the problem my dead one was replaced with another and back to me in a week. The consoles now are a lot lot better you dont hear many red light issues now so i think microsoft are on top of the issue and the ones that are breaking down seem to be the very early models.
Sovieto said:
yah its just like teh wii...just because you see reports of everyone throwing and letting go of their wiimotes, dosent mean everyone dose, its still the extreme minority,
all though M$ took note and xboxs now are much better and have been fixed and free of most bugs, just like how ninty released new wrist straps
woohoo. so I got a more stable 360.
MetroidZ said:
woohoo. so I got a more stable 360.
Yup :p
Mine too,
if they were built after August I think it was they are in the best current condition
Your only worries should be: overheating your system, it bricking after an update, or just the occasional defective unit, which is basically all in your control except for the update, but the chance of that happening now is very small because they fixed most of that xD

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