Main villian in skyward sword

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it might be the Koume & Kotake sisters meby ganons mother ?
who was the guy in the ss vids who snapped his fingers and like teleported. he had white hair maybe that the villain
"Somewhere"? Bro, you're pretty damn slow. :lol: He's been in all the gameplay and cinematic trailers for some time now, Ghirahim. People have been debating whether or not he has anything to do with Vaati; considering he isn't a Picori or whatnot, and they really don't look that alike, I'm voting no.

And, beware of spoilers below.
"Somewhere"? Bro, you're pretty damn slow. :lol: He's been in all the gameplay and cinematic trailers for some time now, Ghirahim. People have been debating whether or not he has anything to do with Vaati; considering he isn't a Picori or whatnot, and they really don't look that alike, I'm voting no.

And, beware of spoilers below.
Yes, beware of spoilers as you tempt everyone with a link. on a side note i think that the Wind fish might be involved, I say this as I look at the whale thing that ate zelda in one of the trailers for the game.
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Yes, beware of spoilers as you tempt everyone with a link.

Tempt? Hey, you saw me give a warning. :lol: Anyone who clicks it after seeing me call spoilers, and then SKIPS the next set of spoiler warnings on said wiki is an idiot and deserves said spoilers.

Or it could just be another Jabbu Jabbu's belly level.

Do not want...

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