Main villian in skyward sword

I didn't mean to come off as a jerk when I posted that, sorry if i offended you.
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  • #33

mate im not offended dont worrie its zelda chat its ok i debating about zelda so ur cool
Well that's good to hear. And as for the plot to Skyward sword i think that the oocca will be involved or something related to them. With that I'm pretty much out of ideas for what would be in Skyward sword, but that doesn't mean i'll stop thinking up new ones, eventually we're bound to hit the mark.
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  • #35

yeah i think they will be to im want to c old characters in the game also
Speaking of old characters what if you could meet the deku tree from Oot? or even the start of the gerudo tribe, if I remember right they have some pretty old ruins in TP and oot. Perhaps some ancestors of the characters in oot? Maby we will see the first epona?
Yeah, most of people (including me) think it will be Ganon, but This Thread has brought up lots of possibilities.
I think Epona will not be in the game, cause when we knew about the up world many thought of a Winged Epona but Nintendo said no to the rumors, cause they were thinking in a new transport method, I think, May be wrong though...
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  • #39

yeah ur right about the ruins and stuff that meby explained in the gameee .... i dont think epona will be in it cause u meet epona for the first time in oot and u dont need a winged epona cause it is said that the master sword will be able to make link fly if u look at the sheild there are always a bird meby this game will explain the reason for why this is on the sheild
I don't think it can be the Ganon that we are thinking of, sure it might be an ancester of ganondorf. I think the oot ganondorf is the origionall one, unless the one in lttp was the first one. Because in most of the games the antagonist is the same ganon, but the plot could turn like it did in TP and lttp making the antagonist be controlled/heavilly influenced by the real antagonist like Zant and Agahnim. though in those cases it was really ganon doing everything.
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  • #41

id go and say id like him in the game but for sum reason cant see it
I just wanted to throw this out there, have any of you heard of ZREO? If you haven't and are a hardcore zelda fan you should really check it out.
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  • #43

yeah man i have heard about this but i never checked it out
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  • #45

i love wat they did with ages and seasons

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