LOST: Via Domus (the way home)

SensesFail said:
like super smash bros. but with lost characters? lol
Think more of Halo+Lost+Weird van+fat dude= Hurley diving into everyone game.

Also, to everyone who saw Lost last night, say "I" if you're confused.
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  • #17
yeah im not, maybe you should check out the lost thread in the entertainment section. i thought it was a greaty episode but it's getting a little weird.
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  • #19
dude i quit trusing IGN a LONG time ago. they give decent games **** reviews. all other websites ive looked at (3 or 4) gave it a seven out of ten wich is average. and thats if your not a lost fan.. it's supposed to be a little better if your a lost fan but still playable if your not. so **** ign. lol

(not defendign the game cause i havent played it but my patience with ign is growing thin, remember that review is just one of their staff members personal opinions)
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  • #21
oh i know that napalm. but spiderman 2 was a really good game. so there are a few exceptions. and im not saying lost is amazing im saying ign sucks at reviewing. their reviewers are extremely biased.
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  • #23
oh wow, okay gamespot i trust. i go by them a lot. and game informer too, but not always.
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