Quality Control.
FF7 was big because of it's graphics, they were a pretty big deal for it's time. It's RPG value however, mostly came from it's storyline... imo. All the FFs I've played (except DoC) are freakin awesome. Lost Odyssey will be an awesome rpg, just hope they port it to ps3 in the years to come.
I want some good old Turn Based RPGs on ps3... I'm over the current trend of Real Time rpgs and Strategy RPGs. Mistwalker better not be a second party company to MS, if so, I've lost all faith in Square Enix all together.
I want some good old Turn Based RPGs on ps3... I'm over the current trend of Real Time rpgs and Strategy RPGs. Mistwalker better not be a second party company to MS, if so, I've lost all faith in Square Enix all together.