Lost Odyssey Trash/Mediocre

FF7 was big because of it's graphics, they were a pretty big deal for it's time. It's RPG value however, mostly came from it's storyline... imo. All the FFs I've played (except DoC) are freakin awesome. Lost Odyssey will be an awesome rpg, just hope they port it to ps3 in the years to come.

I want some good old Turn Based RPGs on ps3... I'm over the current trend of Real Time rpgs and Strategy RPGs. Mistwalker better not be a second party company to MS, if so, I've lost all faith in Square Enix all together.
my friends a final fantasy tard so hes freaking out about this game i personally dont see the deal but oh well...
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killik119 said:
FF7 was big because of it's graphics, they were a pretty big deal for it's time. It's RPG value however, mostly came from it's storyline... imo. All the FFs I've played (except DoC) are freakin awesome. Lost Odyssey will be an awesome rpg, just hope they port it to ps3 in the years to come.

I want some good old Turn Based RPGs on ps3... I'm over the current trend of Real Time rpgs and Strategy RPGs. Mistwalker better not be a second party company to MS, if so, I've lost all faith in Square Enix all together.

Since MS published the game im pretty sure they have the rights to Lost Odyssey, so a port to PS3 wont happen.
Unfortunately, Mistwalker is exclusively developing for Microsoft (atm anyway). PS3 has FF so i wouldn't worry too much, XIII is shaping up to be amazing.
But I do remember seeing a game for ds in the making, by mistwalker...

Lets just pray it's not second party company.
Anyone pick this up yet? Still wondering if I should get this XD

From the reviews I've read, the story is fairly good, the gameplay is tolerable and graphically it looks respectable, but has horrendous, god awful loading times.
I don't know if I'll be getting this game... I was gonna get it because FF13 won't be out for a loooong time. But I dunno now, doesn't sound that good according to the reviews. Dunno, maybe. :) I want a demo.

Seems the review build had a loading bug. The retail NA version does not suffer from the same loading that every reviewer was complaining about.

The load times aren't an issue whatsoever, heres a video showing them:

Been playing this game at my friend's house and I'm really loving it. Great story, characters, and the battle system reminds me of the older Final Fantasy games (4-9). It's easily an 8.5/10 in my books. I don't have any real complaints about it yet. Anyone with a 360 should check this out for sure.
I know this thread is a little old (3 days, pfft.), but I came across a really good post over at a blog site about the game:

Kaioh said:
It seems alot of people who didn't even bother buying the game and playing it are bitching here. So, let me clear the record of a few things as someone who owns the game.

The case doesn't mention Final Fantasy at all. No comparisions are made between either series. So that is a false belief.

Two, the load time complaints are invalid. This stems from Gamespots review, in which they said the load times where long. However, they failed to mention that they were not playing finalized discs, but discs with test code.

The final games loading times are still pretty damn good, at only a few seconds per area switch, and maybe ten seconds for some other things. For an RPG, thats damn good time. There are no 60 second load times like the Gamespot review mentioned.

Lastly, randomy encounters do appear, but at a very slow rate. I've played about six hours into the game, and I am at the Sea of Baus. At this time, I have experienced MAYBE thirty battles. Theres a level cap so you can't grind levels. Because you eventually start getting crap for experience.

Lastly, I am sick of people bitching that RPG's need to change. They don't. They need to stop being lazy with certain things, yes, but RPG's will always have some sort of leveling system, and most likely some sort of turn-based battle system.

That is WHY they are RPG's. If you don't like that, get the hell out.

The point is, Lost Odyssey is a hell of a game. It's probably one of the best RPG's on the Xbox 360 (as there are few), but I would put this up there with Oblivion, myself.

The game does have faults, but that shouldn't stop RPGers from picking it up. It's a welcome addition to my collection, thats for damn sure.

The game provides TONS of options, too. You have about four or five different vocal languages you can choose to hear (including English and Japanese), and can play the game with captions (subtitles) on.

The music is some of Uematsu's best work, and mostly stands out during the 1000 Year's of Dreams sequences, which where written by an amazing author (they're certainly a standout in the game, itself).

Also, the game is by no means easy. Pretty much every fight requires a tactic or plan to win, this is especially true for the boss fights (the second of which has caused many of the Gamefaqs forum players to hate the game and refuse to play it, often returning it to the store).

Irregardless of all this information, everyone has to make their own opinion of the game. If you want to blindly and easily believe every review you read, go ahead. However, research the game yourself, at least that'd make it so your opinion is someone valid. Otherwise your just talking bullshit, and nobody likes that.
To me it figures that the scores aren't that high. The most part that the creators focused on was the storyline and not the gameplay and everything else.
To me, it's something that I'd have to try out myself, especially after reading Gikoku's post above me.

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